Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 May 2009
1. Chevalier, J., The Dynamics of Peace, a UNESCO publication (1986) p. 8Google Scholar.
2. ARES/40/3.
3. A/39/500, and Add.; A/40/669.
4. Goodrich, L.M. and Hambro, E., Charter of the United Nations, Commentary and Documents (1946) p. 21Google Scholar.
5. Ibid. p. 59.
6. Kelsen, H., The Law of the United Nations (1951) pp. 13 and 19Google Scholar.
7. La Charte des Nations Unies, Commentaire article par article, sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Cot et Alain Pellet, secretaire de la redaction Paul Tavernier (1985) 1553 pp.
8. Art. 2, para. l(a) of the Vienna Convention on the law of treaties, 23 May 1969, in force since 27 February 1980; 63 AJIL (1969) p. 875.
9. Cf., the new ‘Vienna Convention on the law of treaties between States and international Organizations or between international Organizations’, 21 March 1986; 25 ILM (1986) pp. 543–592. Cf., also, G. Limburg, The United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations', 33 NILR (1986) pp. 195–203.
10. Advisory Opinion concerning certain expenses of the United Nations, 20 July 1962; ICJ Rep. (1962) p. 151.
11. AJIL (1944) Off. Doc. p. 3. See also Art. 106 of the Charter.
12. AJIL (1945) Off. Doc. p. 46.
13. OA Res. 3 November 1950 (377 (V)).
14. Galtung, J. in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. 11 (1968) pp. 487–496Google Scholar. Also quoted by Prof. Helmut Rumpf (Bonn) in 27 GYIL (1984) p. 431 (The concepts of peace and war in international law).
15. 14 ILM (1975) pp. 1292–1328, at p. 1294.
16. Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 7 (1981) p. 441Google Scholar.
17. J. Galtung, loc. cit. n. 14.
18. Ibid.
19. Op. cit. n. 16, pp. 379, 380.
20. Jessup, P.C., ‘Should International Law Recognize an Intermediate Status Between Peace and War?’, AJIL (1954) pp. 98–102Google Scholar.
21. Explained in many socialist works on international law and relations.
22. Ibid.
23. AJIL (1945) Off. Doc. p. 103.
24. 4 General Committees, 4 Commissions, 12 Technical Committees, and an Advisory Committee of Jurists.
25. Charter of the United Nations, Revised Edition (1949) p. 96.
26. Documents of the UN Conference on international organization (UNCIO), San Francisco 1945, vol. 18, p. 657; Coordination Committee, Memorandum 18 June 1945.
27. Ibid. pp. 657–658.
28. Not so well-known are the United Nations University (the General Assembly adopted, by Resolution 3081 (XXVIII) of 6 December 1973, the Charter of the UNU, Headquarters Tokio, commencing 1974/5) and the University for Peace (the General Assembly approved, by Resolution 35/55 of 5 December 1980, the establishment of this specialized international Institute for postgraduate studies within the framework of the UN. The Agreement came into force on 7 April 1981, Headquarters San José (Costa Rica's initiative)).
29. 24 ILM (1985) pp. 1–31.
30. Pro Fide et Justitia, Festschrift fur Agostino Kardinal Casaroli. Herausgegeben von Prof. Herbert Schambeck (1984) 880 pp.
31. This may be illustrated by two totally different articles published in West and East Germany: ‘Recht auf Frieden. Ein neues Menschenrecht der dritten Generation?’, written by Prof. Tomuschat, Chr. (Bonn) which appeared in Europa-Archiv (1985) pp. 271–278Google Scholar; and ‘Aspekte der Einheit der Menschenrechte und ihres Beitrages zur Sicherung des Menschenrechtes auf Frieden in der DDR’, written by Poppe, Stefan (Leipzig University) which appeared in 6 Staat und Recht (1986) pp. 450–459Google Scholar.
32. The author's italics.
33. The UNESCO Courier (January 1986) p. 34.