MRS Communications Lecture: Nomination Information
Rules and Eligibility | Nomination Package Requirements | Procedure for Submission | Nomination Form
Rules and Eligibility
Papers published in MRS Communications in the award year (January 1 – December 31 of the prior year, Volume 10, Issue 1 -4, all of which can be found at back issues) can be nominated for the 2021 MRS Communications Lecture.
Consideration is not limited by topic or publication format. Recipients must be listed as coauthors of the published paper.
A nominee need not be a member of the Materials Research Society. Note: Papers published by current members of the MRS Communications Editorial Board or Advisory Board (, current members of the MRS Board of Directors (, guest editors of special issues and recipients of the MRS Communications Lecture within the past 10 years are not eligible.
A panel comprised of the MRS Communications Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors will select the 2021 MRS Communications Lecture recipient. The decision of the MRS Communications leadership is final. All authors will receive a certificate, and the senior author will be invited to present a lecture about the research at the 2021 MRS Spring Meeting.
The 2021 MRS Communications Lecture recognizes excellence in the field of materials research through work published in MRS Communications. It is intended to honor the authors of an outstanding paper published in the journal during the preceding year.
The authors of this paper will each receive a certificate acknowledging the accomplishment, and the senior author will be invited to present a lecture about the related research at the 2021 MRS Spring Meeting. The meeting registration and travel expenses, not to exceed $1500, will be provided for the Lecturer.
Nomination deadline for the 2021 MRS Communications Lecture award is January 25, 2021.
Nomination Package Requirements:
The following is required for nomination for the MRS Communications Lecture:
- 1. Completed Nomination Form: The nomination should include the name of the nominator(s), MRS Communications issue date, paper title and authors, a couple of sentences identifying the nominator.
- 2. Proposed citation (<40 words). Summarize the advances in materials research upon which the nomination is based, avoiding flowery descriptors.
- 3. A statement, 250 words or less, by the nominator specifically addressing how the paper advances and impacts the field of materials.
No self-nominations are permitted.
Submission Procedure and Deadline
All materials comprising a nomination package should be sent as a single file document, preferably in PDF format. Incomplete and late nominations will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the nominators to ensure legibility of the PDF or Word document. Please send the file by January 25, 2021 via email to [email protected].
2020 MRS Communications Lecture Award
Congratulations to Grace X. Gu
2020 MRS Communications Lecture Award
In recognition of excellence in the field of materials research through work published in MRS Communications Congratulations to Grace X. Gu with Chun-Teh Chen, University of California, Berkeley
2019 MRS Communications Lecture award
Awarded to Timothy J. Bunning with Luciano De Sio, Ugo Cataldi, Alexa Guglielmelli, Thomas Bürgi, and Nelson Tabiryan.
MRS Communications Lecturers: Timothy J. Bunning
Read on blog
Gold nanoparticle—liquid crystal thin film shows off photonic and plasmonic flipping
- 10 May 2019,
- We are pleased to announce the 2019 MRS Communications Lecture award for excellence in the field of materials research through work published in MRS Communications....
2018 MRS Communications Lecture award
Awarded to Eduardo Di Mauro, Ri Xu, Clara Santato and Guido Soliveri.
MRS Communications Lecturer: Clara Santato
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2018 MRS Communications Lecture: The electronic wonders of melanin
- 28 March 2018,
- We are delighted to announce to Clara Santato, Polytechnique Montréal, has been awarded the 2018 MRS Communications Lecture.
2017 MRS Communications Lecture award
Awarded to Ryan L. Marson, Trung Dac Nguyen and Sharon C. Glotzer.
MRS Communications Lecturer: Sharon C. Glotzer
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MRS Communications Lecture Prize 2017
- 20 June 2017,
- Sharon C. Glotzer, from the University of Michigan, has been awarded the 2017 MRS Communications Lecture Award.
2016 MRS Communications Lecture award
Awarded to David C. Martin.
MRS Communications Lecturer: David C. Martin
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2016 MRS Communications Lecture
- 30 April 2016,
- The MRS Communications Lecture recognizes excellence in the field of materials research through work published in MRS Communications. It is intended to honor...