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PLEASE NOTE: Beginning in January 2021, Volume 11, MRS Communications will be published in alliance with Springer Nature. Any submitted manuscripts currently under review in MRC's ScholarOne system will be brought to final decision in ScholarOne. Authors will continue to be able to access their current submissions in ScholarOne, please log-in here.

New submissions to the journal must be submitted to the new Editorial Manager site. Please refer to MRS Communication’s homepage with Springer Nature for 2021 journal information and instructions for authors.

LIBRARY CUSTOMERS: Cambridge will continue to host MRS back content on Cambridge Core in a closed archive to ensure continued access for subscribers to previous volumes and archive customers. There will be no change to these customers’ Cambridge Core access. Any 2021 subscription queries must be directed to Springer Nature.

  • No longer published by Cambridge University Press
  • ISSN: 2159-6859 (Print), 2159-6867 (Online)
  • Editor: Rigoberto C. Advincula Case Western Reserve University, USA
  • Editorial board
MRS Communications is a full-color, high-impact journal focused on rapid publication of completed research with broad appeal to the materials community.MRS Communications offers a rapid but rigorous peer-review process and time to publication. Leveraging its access to the far-reaching technical expertise of MRS members and leading materials researchers from around the world, the journal boasts an experienced and highly respected board of principal editors and reviewers.