We investigate the iterative behaviour of continuous order preserving subhomogeneous maps $f: K\,{\rightarrow}\, K$, where $K$ is a polyhedral cone in a finite dimensional vector space. We show that each bounded orbit of $f$ converges to a periodic orbit and, moreover, the period of each periodic point of $f$ is bounded by \[ \beta_N = \max_{q+r+s=N}\frac{N!}{q!r!s!}= \frac{N!}{\big\lfloor\frac{N}{3}\big\rfloor!\big\lfloor\frac{N\,{+}\,1}{3}\big\rfloor! \big\lfloor\frac{N\,{+}\,2}{3}\big\rfloor!}\sim \frac{3^{N+1}\sqrt{3}}{2\pi N}, \] where $N$ is the number of facets of the polyhedral cone. By constructing examples on the standard positive cone in $\mathbb{R}^n$, we show that the upper bound is asymptotically sharp.
These results are an extension of work by Lemmens and Scheutzow concerning periodic orbits in the interior of the standard positive cone in $\mathbb{R}^n$.