It is clear from § 1 that we shall have quite a large number of theorems to consider, as we may distribute the conditions of monotony and existence in a good many different ways. It is therefore convenient to collect together the various results for series and for transforms in tabular form, for reference and comparison; this is done at the end of this section.
The transform table is very simple. The theorems contained in it have been discussed at length in M.F.(I); they may be summarized by saying that (1) holds in all the cases considered, except perhaps in the consine case of section [B] where the truth is not known. The series results are apparently more complicated as well as more numerous, since there are extra conditions to be imposed in [A, 1], [B, 1], [C′, 1] and [C, 2]. However, these are certainly satisfied if we suppose f and g to be positive whenever they are given to be monotonic (a condition which automatically holds in the transform theorems, since in these the monotonic functions tend to zero at infinity). If we confine our attention to this case, the series results are what we should expect from the transform ones, except that the difficulty in section [B] for transforms is not reproduced for series in [B, 1] or [B′, 1]; it is reproduced in [B, 2].