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On higher energy decompositions and the sum–product phenomenon
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 July 2018
Let A ⊂ ℝ be finite. We quantitatively improve the Balog–Wooley decomposition, that is A can be partitioned into sets B and C such that
We use similar decompositions to improve upon various sum–product estimates. For instance, we show
\max\{E^+(B) , E^{\times}(C)\} \lesssim |A|^{3 - 7/26}, \ \ \max \{E^+(B,A) , E^{\times}(C, A) \}\lesssim |A|^{3 - 1/4}.
|A+A| + |A A| \gtrsim |A|^{4/3 + 5/5277}.
- Type
- Research Article
- Information
- Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society , Volume 167 , Issue 3 , November 2019 , pp. 599 - 617
- Copyright
- Copyright © Cambridge Philosophical Society 2018
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