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About this journal
Journal of Wine Economics
  • ISSN: 1931-4361 (Print), 1931-437X (Online)
  • Frequency: 4 issues per year
Journal of Wine Economics is the official publication of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to encouraging and communicating economic research and analyses and exchanging ideas in wine economics. The JWE provides a focused outlet for high-quality, peer-reviewed research on economic topics related to wine. The journal is open to any area related to the economic aspects of wine, viticulture, and oenology. It covers a wide array of topics, including, but not limited to: production, winery activities, marketing, consumption, as well as macroeconomic and legal topics. It is also open to research related to beer, spirits and food. The JWE is published three times a year and contains articles, short papers, notes and comments, field reports, reviews of books, films and wine events, as well as conference announcements.

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This journal is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of its managers and owners, the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE).