Journal of Tropical Ecology (JTE) covers novel, high-impact research in tropical ecology and conservation. We welcome studies on all taxa from terrestrial, fresh water or marine ecosystems. JTE papers must interest a broad readership in tropical ecology.
Article Types
JTE publishes several types of articles (in parentheses: maximum word count excluding References, maximum number of display items including figures and tables); all article types include an Abstract and may include Supplementary Material.
Research Articles* (5000 words, 5 display items) report on new research findings, empirical or theoretical, usually framed as a test of specific hypotheses contributing to the field of tropical ecology.
Short Communications* (2500 words, 2 display items) report on novel research findings that do not require a full-length description, including promising but somewhat preliminary studies.
Reviews* (10,000 words, 5 display items) provide significant syntheses of major, novel, or rapidly developing topics in tropical ecology, rather than merely an account of existing literature. They may include meta-analyses or other quantitative approaches. The Review Editor may be contacted in the first instance and will also invite potential review authors.
Insights (4000 words, 4 display items) presents new perspectives on current or controversial research areas, new interpretations of research problems or thought-provoking commentaries on recent studies. The ideas and opinions should be linked to empirical evidence, possibly including quantitative analysis of existing data.
Methods* (5000 words, 5 display items) describe new field, laboratory, biostatistical, and other analytical methods or techniques, as demonstrated by pilot studies, simulations, or modelling.
Field Notes* (2500 words, 2 display items) are interesting natural history observations placed in a wider research context, using field data, specimens, photographs, or videos.
Data papers* (2500 words, 2 display items) are papers describing data sets that are publicly available and can be used for further research.
Comments (2500 words, 2 display items) are responses to recent papers published in JTE or elsewhere.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.