Articles should be uploaded as a Word document and submitted through the ScholarOne system, by logging into:
If you experience difficulties submitting your paper or have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Before Submission: Preparing Your Materials
Research articles should range from 5,000 to 10,000 words (excluding notes). Longer articles will be considered but may be edited for length. The submission should use 12-point type and be double-spaced with one-inch margins. Please prepare the main document as a MS Word file using Chicago Manual of Style formatting. The submission itself should be anonymous throughout the text and notes. Additional information and our style guide can be found under Preparing your Materials.
In addition to your main document, please prepare each of the following for uploading as separate files:
- A title page including a Competing Interest Statement
- Figures (upload each figure as a separate attachment, labeled appropriately)
- A list of figure captions
- Appendices
- Supplementary materials for sharing through a weblink associated with the article (eg. audio/video files)
- Documentation that permission has been acquired to use the figures (not yet required, but please provide it if you have it)
Creating your ScholarOne Account
If you do not already have one, you will need to create a ScholarOne account. This can be done by visiting and clicking “create an account.” The account creation process has three steps. Required fields are indicated with red asterisks.
- a) Enter your name and email address (in this step you can also associate your ScholarOne account with a new or existing ORCID iD by following the relevant link)
- b) Enter your institution and mailing address. Only your primary institution and country are required.
(A note about institutional affiliation:
Not all institutions appear in our drop-down menu. If your institution does not appear, type the institution name in full and press “enter” or click outside of the menu when you are happy with it. You will receive a pop-up warning message, but if you press “ok,” the portal will accept the name of your institution as you wrote it and you can proceed to the next step. Unaffiliated scholars can enter “independent scholar” or similar as their institution.)
- c) Create a UserID (automatically filled as your email address) and password, and at least one area of expertise. This step also includes the relevant privacy policies. When you finish this step, your account will be complete.
For in-depth instructions on creating and using your ScholarOne account, please consult the ScholarOne author guide.
Submitting Your Materials
When you are ready to upload your article and after creating an account, log in to the system through the “Author” tab in the ScholarOne System at:
Before you upload your paper and other documents, you will need to provide the article’s title, an abstract (max. 250 words), keywords, and a list of authors. You will also be asked to recommend reviewers you think might be suitable and/or indicate any you would prefer we not approach. A cover letter to the editor is optional, and can be copied and pasted into the box in Step 6 of the submission process.
Once you have submitted your article you will immediately receive an automatic response, indicating successful submission of your article. You can expect to be contacted by the journal within the next few weeks.
Licence to publish
Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.