In the late thirteenth century the openness and
religious toleration of the Mongol Empire created
unique conditions which encouraged European
missionaries to venture into Asia. The Franciscans
and Dominicans who answered the call to evangelize
in territories under Tartar dominion enjoyed such
success by the early fourteenth century that the
papacy created archbishoprics and suffragan sees in
Central Asia and China, and entertained dreams of
new Christian communities aligned with the Roman
Church. This paper focuses on a special set of
circumstances which briefly encouraged those
expectations. Western missionaries to the Mongols
found influential Christian women, the mothers and
consorts of rulers, at the courts of several khans.
Because these Mongol queens played powerful
political roles, their prayers and example might
encourage the conversion of their people and those
subject to them. Faithful wives of pagan rulers, in
times long gone, had played a dynamic part in the
conversion of husbands or sons, and of their realms,
thus contributing to the spread of Christianity in
Europe. Once again, at the close of the thirteenth
century, hopes were voiced that pious women might
perform a similar task in Asia.