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Editorial board

C. Hauton, University of Southampton, UK
[email protected]

Editorial Board

M. Cock, Roscoff Marine Station, France
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Algal developmental biology and genomics

N. De Voogd, Netherlands Biodiversity Centre, Netherlands
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Sponges

P.G.H. Evans, Sea Watch Foundation, UK
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Marine mammals; also SIC Guest Editor

C. Goatley, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, NOCS, UK
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: fish function, biodiversity and evolution; coral reef ecology; taxonomy; community ecology

N. Mieszkowska, Marine Biological Association, UK
[email protected]

D. Power, University of Algarve, Portugal
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Blue biotechnology and integrative biology of marine organisms

H. Solo-Gabriele, University of Miami, USA
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Oceans and human health; coastal marine water quality

Reviews and Social Media Editor

B. Stewart, Marine Biological Association and University of Plymouth, UK

Associate Editors

J.A. Baeza, Smithsonian Marine Station, USA
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Evolutionary ecology and reproductive biology of marine invertebrates; molecular phylogenetics, ecology, diversification and trait evolution in marine invertebrates, behavioural adaptations and the role of the environment in favouring/constraining behaviour; taxonomy and systematics of selected groups of decapod crustaceans, ornamental marine invertebrates with particular emphasis to decapod crustaceans

C.N. Bianchi, University of Genoa, Italy
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Shallow hydrothermalism and marine communities; submarine sulphur springs and feeding; polychaete distribution; Posidonia (seagrass) and its communities and management; epibenthic communities; suspension feeding

J. Cartes, Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (C.S.I.C.), Spain
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Deep-sea benthos

J. Ellis, Cefas, Lowestoft, UK
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Biology and ecology of elasmobranch fish; fish life-history; structure and diversity and fish assemblages

S. Fowler, Save Our Seas, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), UK

J. C. Hernandez, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain
[email protected]

M.Y. Hu, University of Kiel, Germany
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Physiology; acid-base regulation; ion transport; development; cephalopods; marine invertebrates; environmental change; ocean acidification

J. Hui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Genetics, genomics of marine species

D. Kaullysing, University of Mauritius, Mauritius
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Marine malacology, marine ecology, corallivory (in particular gastropods and Crown-of-Thorns starfish), coral reefs ecology and biodiversity, intertidal/benthic ecology

V. Laptikhovsky, Falklands Islands Fisheries Department, UK
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Population biology; fishery management and stock assessment in cephalopods; finfish and elasmobranchs; reproductive biology of cephalopods and teleost fish; trophic relations in fish and cephalopods; seabird biology and interaction with fishery fleet; also Ascension Island SI Guest Editor

S. C. K. Lau, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
[email protected]

M.-L. Liao, Ocean University China, China

F. Maltagliati, University of Pisa, Italy
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Phylogeography; population genetics; molecular systematics

M.L. Mardones, University of Southampton, UK

J.A. Raven FRS, University of Dundee, UK
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Primary production in algae

L. Riekkola, Auckland University, New Zealand
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: marine mammal ecology, spatial ecology, spatial analysis and modelling, conservation

A. Schulze, Texas A&M University, USA
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: marine invertebrates (anellids)

J. Taylor, Salford University, UK
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Microbial ecology; molecular ecology; phytoplankton/protist community ecology; harmful algae; genomics/metagenomics/metabarcoding

M. Thiel, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Behavioural ecology of invertebrates, crustacean reproductive biology, citizen science

D. Thieltges, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research/Utrecht University, Netherlands
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Marine parasitology

L. Turner, University of Plymouth, UK
[email protected]

O. Wangensteen, University of Barcelona, Spain
[email protected]
Area of Expertise: Marine benthic invertebrates; molecular ecology; population genetics/genomics; phylogeography; metabarcoding/metagenomics; bioinformatics; marine benthic ecology; echinoderms