Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 May 2009
The ommastrephid squids are large active animals occurring in most of the world's oceans. Luminous organs or bioluminescence have been observed only in members of the subfamily Sthenoteuthinae, containing the genera Ornithoteuthis, Symplectoteuthis (= Eucleoteuthis), Hyaloteuthis, Ommastrephes and Dosidicus. The light organs of Ommastrephes pteropus are small sub-spherical bodies randomly distributed over the ventral surface of the mantle, head, arms and tentacles (Roper, 1963) and are aggregated dorsally to form a large luminous patch (Clarke, 1965). Relatively little is known about the organs, capabilities and biochemistry of luminescence in cephalopods (Harvey, 1952; Herring, in Press), and the size of the light organ and availability of O. pteropus provide an unusual opportunity for such studies. Although among the molluscs the luminescent systems of the gastropod Latia and the bivalve Pholas have been partially characterized (Shimomura & Johnson, 1968; Henry, Isambert & Michelson, 1970, 1973) the only cephalopod system which has been investigated to date is that of the enoploteuthid Watasenia scintillans (Goto et al., 1974; Inoue et al., 1975). This investigation examines the anatomy and biochemistry of the dorsal light organ of O. pteropus, which differs markedly in these respects from the brachial organs of Watasenia.