The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke. 2007. Olivier Godefroy and Julien Bogousslavsky (Eds.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 664 pp., $160.00 (HB)
The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke is a very handy reference book for the bedside or brief office examination of the stroke patient. The initial chapter highlights the need for serial mental status exams during the critical initial post stroke period. The book is then organized by functional sections, each containing several chapters. The sections are organized by neuropsychological processes in the usual “walk around the brain” format. Thus, the reader is offered sections on motor and gestural disorders, aphasia and arthric disorders, hemineglect and right hemisphere syndromes, agnosia and Balint's syndrome, and executive and memory disorders. Of great significance is the inclusion of a section on behavioral and mood disorders, which reviews the clinical domains where the disciplines of psychiatry and neurology overlap. The final section, dementia and anatomical left/right syndromes, extends and integrates the previous sections.