Editorial policy
The launch of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association affords a unique opportunity for philosophers around the world to participate in the birth of not simply another philosophy journal, but a preeminent philosophy journal. The editors are committed to the following:
• Publishing papers that go out on a limb, papers that start trends rather than merely adding epicycles to going trends.
• Publishing papers from early-career philosophers as well as established philosophers already recognized for their work.
• Publishing papers on topics that draw from and appeal to diverse philosophical constituencies and traditions.
• Publishing readable papers that can be appreciated by philosophers not already steeped in the subject matter.
• Providing a quick turnaround for submissions and the timely publication of accepted papers: no backlogs, no embargos.
Some existing journals satisfy one or more of these conditions, but few, maybe none, satisfy them all. The editors are dedicated to the idea that the world does not need yet another philosophy journal; the world needs a philosophy journal that serves philosophers by providing a venue for fresh, innovative, accessible scholarship.
The Journal of the American Philosophical Association will consider manuscripts on any philosophical topic. APA membership is not required for submission or publication. The Journal does not accept book reviews.
The Journal rarely accepts discussions of articles originally published in other journals.
Papers must be no longer than 10,000 words including footnotes and references.
Papers should be accessible to readers outside the author’s specialization, so authors should refrain from unnecessary technical flourishes, gratuitous deployment of symbols, and reader-unfriendly abbreviations.
The Journal cannot consider more than one paper at a time from any one author, whether as author or as co-author. So, until a final decision to publish or reject as been made on one paper, its author(s) will not be eligible to submit another paper for consideration.
Article Types Accepted
- Article*
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.