Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
In this paper the symbolism, definitions and results of my two papers, namely A test for the existence of tautologies according to many-valued truth-tables (hereafter referred to as ET) and Note on truth-tables (hereafter referred to as TT) will be presupposed.
The problem whether two arbitrary truth-tables with finite number of elements are equal or not was reduced in TT to the question of equality of two identical tables in which different elements have been designated. However, no general method for testing the equality of truth-tables was given there, although some cases were discussed for which such a method is available. In the present paper we shall describe a general method using the considerations of ET and TT.
1 This Journal, vol. 15 (1950), pp. 182–184.
2 This Journal, vol. 15 (1950), pp. 174–181.
3 Cf. Kalicki, J., On Tarski's matrix method, forthcoming in Comptes rendus des séances de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie. (This paper has since appeared in volume 41 of the indicated periodical, pp. 130–142Google Scholar. Editor.)
4 See Łoś, J., O matrycach logicznych, Travaux de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Wrocław, ser. B no. 19 (1949)Google Scholar.