Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
In [6], Nadel showed that if is a recursively saturated model of Pr = Th(ω, +) of power at most ℵ1, then there is a model such that ≡ ∞ω and can be expanded to a recursively saturated model of P. For a fixed completion T of P, can be chosen to have a recursively saturated expansion to a model of T just in case is recursive in T-saturated. (“Recursive in T-saturation” is defined just like recursive saturation except that the sets of formulas considered are those that are recursive in T.)
Nadel also showed in [6] that for a fixed completion T of P, a countable nonstandard model of Pr can be expanded to a model of T (not necessarily recursively saturated) iff satisfies a condition called “exp(T)-saturation.” This condition is stronger than recursive saturation but weaker than recursive in T-saturation. Nadel left open the problem of characterizing the models of Pr of power ℵ1 such that for some , ≣ ∞ω and can be expanded to a model of T. The present paper gives such a characterization. The condition on is that it is recursively saturated, and for each n ∈ ω, the set Tn of Πn-sentences of T is recursive in some type realized in .
This result can be interpreted in various ways, just as the results from [6] were interpreted in various ways in [4]. Friedman [2] introduced the notion of a “standard system.”