Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
Let Pr be Presburger's arithmetic, i.e., the complete theory of the structure (ω, +). Lipshitz and Nadel showed in [4] that a countable model of Pr is recursively saturated iff it can be expanded to a model of Peano arithmetic, PA. As a starting point for an introductory discussion, let us mention one more fact about countable recursively saturated models of Pr. If is such a model then the following is readily seen (as explained also in §1):
Any two countable recursively saturated elementary endextensions of are isomorphic.
If we drop “countable” from the assumption of this statement, we can still say that the two models are ∞ω-equivalent. Must they be isomorphic if both have cardinality ℵ1? Certainly not, since one of the models can be ω 1-like while the other is not. Once we realized this much, let us concentrate on ω 1-like structures. We prove in §3:
Theorem. Any countable recursively saturated model of Pr has isomorphism types of ω 1-like recursively saturated elementary endextensions. Only one of these is the isomorphism type of a structure that can be expanded to a model of PA.
The key technical result is proven in §2. It says that an as above has precisely two countable recursively saturated elementary endextensions which are nonisomorphic over .