Ferugliotherium windhauseni Bonaparte, 1986, the only species of the genus Ferugliotherium, was based on an isolated m2 and placed in a new family, the Ferugliotheriidae, which was tentatively assigned to the order Multituberculata, subclass Allotheria (Bonaparte, 1986a). Additional specimens subsequently referred to F. windhauseni by Bonaparte et al. (1989), Bonaparte (1990), and Krause et al. (1992) include isolated upper and lower incisors, anterior upper and lower premolars, a complete M1, and an anterior fragment of m1. These remains, if correctly associated, serve to confirm the multituberculate affinities of Ferugliotherium, the first known multituberculate from Gondwanaland (Krause et al., 1992).