In a series of eighty-seven post-mortem examinations of criminals, the author found that the circle of Willis presented abnormalities of origin, development, or direction in 65.5 per cent. of the cases, the majority (32.18 per cent.) occurring on the left side. In 73.56 per cent. of the cases the weight of the brain was below the average, and the inferiority of weight coincided in 51.72 per cent. of the subjects with the existence of such vascular anomalies. Morbid changes in the vessels, membranes, and brain-substance were unusually abundant The weight of the heart was below the average in 75.86 per cent. of the criminals examined, and in 49.42 per cent. this condition was associated with abnormalities of the circle of Willis. Among the cases with these latter abnormalities heart lesions were particularly frequent.