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Submitting your materials

Authors should only submit their manuscript after following the detailed instructions on how to prepare their paper found here .


Please send one copy of your manuscript by email as an attachment to [email protected].

In submitting papers to JLME authors should observe the following:

  • All manuscripts must be typed and double-spaced. 
  • Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word. The electronic copy must be an uncompressed Microsoft Word for Windows file. If using Word is impossible, please contact the editorial office before sending a file in another format.
  • Manuscripts should be ten to forty double-spaced pages, including endnotes. JLME uses endnotes, not footnotes. 

Cover Page

Please include a cover page that states:

  • The full title of the manuscript.
  • Name(s) of author(s). If there is more than one author, please indicate who the corresponding author is.
  • For the corresponding author: full postal address, telephone number (including work, home, and cellphone numbers), email address, and your preference for communication .
  • A two-to-three (complete) sentence bio of each author including the author's present title and institutional/corporate affiliation and any academic degrees and from what institutions they were received (please include full name, city, and state).
  • A précis of the article (this should be 50-200 words to initiate peer review, with the understanding that it will be rewritten by the author to be 50-75 words for publication).
  • Please include 3 to 6 keywords to be published with your paper.
  • Any acknowledgments must be stated on the cover page only.

If you send the cover page as an attachment, be sure your email includes contact information in the event we can't open the attachment.

Please direct all inquiries to:

Edward Hutchinson
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1634
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Tel: (617) 262-4990 ext. 13
Fax: (617) 437-7596
Email: [email protected]


After initial review by the editorial office suitable manuscripts will undergo a process of double-blind peer review. Decisions thereafter to accept or reject papers are based on the recommendations received during peer review . The evaluation process generally takes eight to ten weeks. Out of respect for peer reviewers, the editors do not consider articles already under consideration by other journals. The peer review process will not begin until authors complete the 'Statement from Author Submitting Manuscript for Consideration to the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics.' This form is sent to authors when we acknowledge receipt of the submission.