Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018
The Brazilian government's National Steel Mill at Volta Redonda is considered by many to be a hallmark in the development of Brazilian industry and the symbol of a future Brazil. It represents to them a turning away from the old monoproductive agricultural pattern, with its inherent weaknesses, and an acceptance of industry with its promise of a fuller, more secure national existence. The Brazilians are proud of this iron and steel mill. Not only is it the largest such mill in Brazil, it is also the largest in all Latin America. To many it is an important step in the road toward a stronger world position. This is an important point in a continent often overlooked and taken for granted by the leading world powers.
1 Brazil, Ministério da Agricultura, Serviço de Estatística da Produção, Produção estrativa mineral (Rio de Janeiro, 1953), pp. 37-38.
2 “U. S. Loan for Brazilian Iron and Steel Mill,” Bulletin of the Pan American Union, LXXTV (December, 1940), 830.
3 Hennessy, John F. Jr., “Industrial Brazil,” Commercial Pan American, XIV, Nos. 8 and 9 (1945), 20 Google Scholar.
4 Companhia Siderúrgica Belgo-Mineira (Rio de Janeiro: Gráficos Bloch, S.A.,1953), p. 71.
5 De Mattos Ibiapina, J., O Brasil de ontem e o de hoje (Río de Janeiro: Gráfica Olímpica, 1942), pp. 209-10Google Scholar.
6 United States Tariff Commission, Mining and Manufacturing Industries in Brazil (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1945), p. 23 Google Scholar.
7 Hennessy, John F. Jr., “Brazilian Fuel and Power,” Commercial Pan America, XIV, No. 5 (1945), 4 Google Scholar.
8 Ibid., p. 6.
9 “Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional,” O observador, ano VIII, No. 93 (1943), 91-96.
10 “A cidade da aso,” Cultura política, ano in, No. 32 (1943), 237.
11 “Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional,” p. 101.
12 “Um capitule do planjamento económico: a engenharia brasileña no projeto de Volta Redonda,” Revista do clube de engenharia, XI, No. 100 (1944), 193 (hereinafter cited as A engenharia brasileira).
13 Edmundo de Macedo Soares e Silva, “A usina siderúrgica de Volta Redonda,” Mineragao e Metalurgia, VIII, No. 39 (1943), 117.
14 “Figures About Volta Redonda Steel Plant,” Brazil Trade Journal, II, No. 2 (1946), 2.
15 Idem.
16 Brazil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil 1943 (Rio de Janeiro: Est. de Artes Gráficas, 1943), p. 329.
17 Silva, “Volta Redonda,” op. cit., p. 121.
18 Ibid.
19 Brazil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil 1940/41 (Rio de Janeiro: Est. de Artes Gráficas, 1941), pp. 360-361.
20 José Garrido Torres, “Brazil's Domestic Market,” The Latin American Economic Institute Pub. No. 5 (Boston: 1942), p. 2.
21 As early as 1931, President Vargas had initiated measures to keep domestic enterprises, which were financed by imported capital, under Brazilian control and management.
22 Letter from R. F. W. Whitcomb, Examiner, Export-Import Bank, to the author, May 7,1948.
23 ibid.
24 About $25,000,000. Twenty cruzeiros during this period amounted to about one United States dollar.
25 Brazil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil 1943, p. 339.
26 “Volta Redonda,” Revista do clube de engenharia, XII, No. 105 (1945), 130.
27 Edmundo de Macedo Soares e Silva, “Alguns aspectos importantes da solucáo adotada para o problema siderúrgica no Brasil,” Engenharía, IV, ano IV, No. 40 (1945), 131.
28 Silva, “Volta Redonda,” Boletim do Ministerio do Trabalho, Industria e Comercio, p. 118.
29 “Volta Redonda,” O observador, ano X, No. 110 (1945), 107.
30 Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, editado pelo Servico de Relaçães Públicas da C.S.N., Assim é Volta Redonda (Rio de Janeiro: F. Lanzara, 1954), p. 18.
31 A mixture of coal from these three areas in Santa Catarina had been recommended for use in the steel mill as a result of the tests conducted in the United States.
32 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, X, No. 235 (New York, 1953), 7.
33 The washery is actually located at Capivari, near Tubaráo.
34 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, X, No. 235, 7.
35 Work on the city of Volta Redonda had started several months before, under the direction of Professor Ari Torres.
36 Whitcomb Letter, op, cit.
37 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, III, No. 52 (New York, 1946), 1.
38 The structural steel and rail mills were put into operation in October, 1946, while the plate and sheet mill did not go into production until early 1947. The tin mill commenced functioning in 1948.
39 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, IK, No. 198 (New York, 1952), 1-2.
40 “Siderúrgia,” Boletim do Conselho Federal de Comércio Exterior, ano X, No. 1(1947), 7.
41 Figures compiled by author from following sources: for Volta Redonda, Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, IX, No. 198, pp. 1-2; for all other Brazilian mills, Brasil, Ministerio de Agricultura, Servico de Estatística da Produção, Produção estrativa mineral (Rio de Janeiro, 1953).
42 Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, Relatório de directoría (Rio de Janeiro: Ofic. de Artes Gráficas da C.S.N., 1954), p. 45.
43 Ibid.
44 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, LX, No. 198, 1-2.
45 Idem.
46 ibid., X, No. 245 (New York, 1954), 6.
47 Ibid., X, No. 239 (New York, 1953), 7.
48 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, X, No. 235 (New York, 1953), 1.
49 Ibid., X, No. 244 (New York, 1954), 3.
50 Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, Relatório da diretoria, p. 7.
51 Brazilian Government Trade Bureau, Brazilian Bulletin, XII, No. 278 (New York, 1956), 7.
52 Ibid., XII, No. 272 (NewYork, 1956), 1.
53 Ibid., XVII, No. 392 (New York, 1961), 2.
54 Ibid., XX, No. 449 (New York, 1964), 5.
55 Ibid., XXIII, No. 486 (New York, 1967), 2.
56 Ibid., XXII, No. 467 (New York, 1966), 5.
57 Ibid., XXIII, No. 419 (New York, 1962), 1.
58 Ibid., XXIII, No. 484 (New York, 1967), 4.
59 Embaucada do Brasil, Boletim Especial, No. 2, January 25, 1967.
60 Embaixada do Brasil, Boletim Especial, No. 114, June 18, 1968.