The tegument of adult Saccocoelioides godoyi Kohn & Froes, 1986 (Digenea: Haploporidae), specimens of which were collected from the intestine of the freshwater fish, Leporinus friderici (Bloch, 1794) (Anostomidae) from the reservoir of Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Station, Parana State, Brazil, was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The tegument comprises an external anucleate layer, covered by a surface plasma membrane and associated glycocalyx. The surface layer is bound by the basal plasma membrane and contains spines, two types of inclusion bodies and mitochondria. Tegumental cell bodies are located beneath the surface musculature and contain a single nucleus, cytoplasm with rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, and inclusion bodies similar to those found in the external layer. Cytoplasmic strands connect the cell bodies to the external surface layer, suggesting that the inclusion bodies are produced in these cells and pass up into the syncytium, as is known for other digeneans from experimental evidence.