Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 November 2009
Observations were made on the biology of Cotylophoron cotylophum in respect of the hatching of miracidia, infection of the intermediary mollusc, emergence and encystment of cercariae, and on the pathogenicity of the parasite. It was noted that miracidia of this parasite hatch in 15 days at a temperature of 28-30°C. At a lower or higher temperature than this hatching is delayed. When the miracidia are mature a sudden fall in temperature hastens their hatching. Darkness has no adverse effect on hatching. These miracidia show a marked attraction towards Indoplanorbis exustus, which are proven to be the intermediary molluscs of this amphistome. At room temperature, ranging between 21-24°C. during the day and 18-21°C. at night, sporocysts develop within the snails in about 24 hours and on the 4th day rediae are seen developing inside the sporocysts.