Notices of Books
(M.A.) Pantelidou Αί προïστορικαὶ Ἀθῆναι. [With Eng. summary.] Athens: [The Author]. 1975. Pp. 276, 79 plates, 16 text figs. Price not stated. [Available through Wasmuth, Tübingen.]
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- 23 December 2013, p. 200
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(J. A.) Bundgaard Parthenon and the Mycenaean city on the heights. (Publ. of the Nat. Museum of Denmark, archaeol.-hist. ser., 17.)Copenhagen: National Museum. 1976. Pp. 194, 104 illus. [12] folding plans. D kr. 190.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 200-201
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Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. ix. (U.) Knigge Der Südhügel. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1976. Pp. [xii] + 211, 113 plates, [7] plans (3 in rear pocket), 50 text figs. DM 360.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 201-202
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Hymettos. A sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Hymettos. By M. K. Langdon. (Hesperia, suppl. 16.) Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1976. Pp. xi + 117, 28 plates (incl. map), 12 figs., 2 tables. $12.50.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 202-203
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Tiryns. Forschungen und Berichte. Ed. U. Jantzen. 8. Das Kuppelgrab von Tiryns. By K. Müller [and other articles by various authors]. Mainz: P. von Zabern (for Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Athen). 1975. Pp. [x] + 154, 2 col. plates, 84 plates, numerous text figs., [7] plans (2 folding). DM 158.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 204
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Eretria. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen: fouilles et recherches. 5. (A.) Hurst Ombres de l'Eubée? (J. P.) Descoeudres Die vorklassische Keramik aus dem Gebiet des Westtors. (P.) Auberson Le temple de Dionysos. Bern: Francke. 1976. Pp. 67, [24] plates, [24] text figs., 1 folding table, 9 plans in pocket. 80.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 203-204
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(H.-G.) Buchholz Methymna: archäologische Beiträge zur Topographie und Geschichte von Nordlesbos. Mainz: P. von Zabern. 1975. Pp. 273, frontis., 32 plates, 45 text figs. (incl. maps, plans), plan in rear pocket. DM 140.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 205
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Mallia. Fouilles exécutées à Mallia. Exploration des maisons et quartiers ďhabitation (1956–1960). 4. By H. and M. van Effenterre. (Études crétoises, 22.) Paris: Geuthner. 1976. Pp. 111, frontis., 32 plates (2 folding), [3] text figs. Price not stated.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 204-205
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Hala Sultan Tekke 1. Excavations 1897–1971. By P. Åström, D. M. Bailey and V. Karageorghis. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 45:1). Göteborg: Åström. 1976. Pp. x + 135, 83 plates, 125 text figs, (incl. maps). 190. - Hala Sultan Tekke 2. The Cape Kiti survey: an underwater archaeological survey. By T. O. Engvig and P. Åström. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 45:2). Göteborg: Åström. 1975. Pp. 24, 49 text figs., 1 map. 35.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 206
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Studia Ietina. Ed. H. Bloesch and H. P. Isler. 1. Die Stützfiguren des griechischen Theaters. Gestempelte Ziegel. Rezepte vom Monte Iato. Erlenbach-Zürich: Rentsch. 1976. Pp. 119, 36 plates. DM 75.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 206-207
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(J.J) Coulton The architectural development of the Greek stoa. (Oxford monographs on classical archaeology.)Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1976. Pp. xviii + 308, frontis., 16 illus., 120 text figs. £15.00.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 207-208
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Munich. Glyptothek. Die Aegineten: die Marmorskulpturen des Tempels der Aphaia auf Aegina. Ein Katalog der Glyptothek München. By D. Ohly. 1. Die Ostgiebelgruppe. Munich: Beck. 1976. Pp. xvi + 116, 85 text figs., 5 folding diagrams, 76 plates. DM 190.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 208-210
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Pergamon. Pergamenische Forschungen. Ed. E. Boehringer. 3. Terrakotten von Pergamon. By E. Töpperwein. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1976. Pp. xii + 264, 103 plates. DM 300.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 211
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(J. G.) Pedley Greek sculpture of the archaic period: the island workshops. Mainz: von Zabern. 1976. Pp. 69, 47 plates. DM 78.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 211
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Aegina. Alt-Ägina. Ed. H. Walter. 4, i. Mykenische Keramik. By S. Hiller. Mainz: P. von Zabern. 1975. Pp. 101, 38 plates, 43 text figs. DM 98.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 212
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Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 40. Bonn, Akademisches Kunstmuseum, Band 2. By B. Kaiser. Munich: Beck. 1976. Pp. 126, 40 plates, 72 text figs. DM 80.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 212
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Corinth. American School excavations, vol. vii, part iii. Corinthian Hellenistic pottery. By G. R. Edwards. Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1975. Pp. xvii + 254, 86 plates (incl. 1 map, 1 plan). $35.00.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 212-213
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Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, xi. Scheibler (I.) Griechische Lampen. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1976. Pp. xi + 200, 93 plates, 12 text figs. DM 380.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 213-214
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Salamis. Salamine de Chypre. 7. (T.) Oziol Les lampes du musée de Chypre. (Institut F. Courby, CRA-URA, 15.) Paris: de Boccard. 1977. Pp. 316, 60 plates, 17 text figs. (incl. map). Fr. 300. - Isthmia. Excavations by the University of Chicago under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 3. (O.) Broneer Terracotta lamps. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1977. Pp. xii + 112, [41] plates. $25.00.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 214-215
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Delphi. Fouilles de Delphes. Tome iii. Épigraphie. Fasc. iv. Les inscriptions de la terrasse du temple et de la région nord du sanctuaire. N01 351 à 516. By J. Pouilloux. Paris: École française ďAthènes. 1976. Pp. viii + 203, 2 text figs., 32 plates. Fr. 300. [Distributors: de Boccard.] - Inschriften Griechischer Städte Aus Kleinasien. Band 3. Die Inschriften von Ilion. Ed. P. Frisch. Bonn: Habelt. 1975. Pp. xviii + 325, 24 plates, 4 maps. DM 92. - Inschriften Griechischer Städte Aus Kleinasien. Band 4. Die Inschriften von Assos. Ed. R. Merkelbach. Bonn: Habelt. 1976. Pp. x + 131, 13 plates, [42] text figs. DM 76. - (É.) Bernand Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum, 1. La ‘Méris’ ďHérakleidès. Leiden: Brill. 1975. Pp. xviii + 236, [83] pl. (including 3 maps & 1 folding map), 2 figs. Fl. 240.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 215-217
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