The Ruwenzori Range, Uganda, was visited in January 1951 by a party organized by the writer. The object of the party was chiefly geological reconnaissance but several glaciers were visited; beacons placed the previous year by I. R. Menzies were observed and some additional beacons were set up. A number of glaciological observations was made and will form a basis for further work. Ski were used on the Stanley Plateau for the first time.
A project for a thorough scientific exploration of the Ruwenzori Range is being financed by the Uganda Government and has received grants from the Royal Society, the Geological Society, the Royal Geographical Society and Leeds University. The British Museum has also promised support. The exploration is being organized by Professor W. Q. Kennedy, F.R.S., of Leeds University, in conjunction with the writer on behalf of the Geological Survey of Uganda. A party of geologists made a preliminary survey of Ruwenzori during July, August and September 1951. A larger expedition is being planned for the summer of 1952, and it is hoped to include a glaciologist.Footnote *
15 September 1951