S. C. Colbeck: The placing of collectors in a snow-pack may result in their being frozen even if the snow-pack is isothermal. Location of collectors at the ground surface would seem even more risky. When you record a different flow from different collectors how will you be able to separate the variations due to true spatial variations and those which are the result of different amounts of freezing in different collectors?
E. J. Langham: There is some heat generated from the electrical circuits of the order of 1-2 W and I do not consider the freezing problem a serious one.
R. List: The collector funnel size of 8 cm × 8 cm appears rather small as compared to the height of the snow cover. Have you any comments?
Langham: The funnel size that was chosen is compatible with the snow-pack size.
P. M. B. FÖhn: I wonder what kind of parallel measurements could be made related to free-water content and water input. I think that the water outflow can be measured with a large-size lysimeter quite accurately. I think the major problems are still those concerned with the flow of water in the pack.