This paper attempts a consideration of possible combinations of Neolithic and Eneolithic miniatures, their locations and disbibution in space, taking account of respective precise contexts and discovery associations, when available. Neolithic and Eneolithic miniatures (figurines and models) have usually been found in domestic contexts, either in large sets, small groups or isolated. It is further attempted an examination of possible situations, meaning displaying or concealing figurines and models, occasionally or permanently. Vehicles through which and ways and locations in which these alternatives could take place are mentioned. Evidence tends eventually towards alternating restricted access and common display, as periodic occurrences, as well as definite concealment under particular conditions. The range of possible alternative interpretations regarding these combinations of chosen concealed or displayed symbols in different locations and under various circumstances, in specific contexts, extends from public communication, such as narration or transmission of common knowledge, including initiation, to use as apotropaïc tokens, play and eventual performance of rites of sympathetic magic. Examples are taken from Greece, mostly its northern part, as well as from adjacent areas.