Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy
The Journal of Anglican Studies is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. We seek to work with scholars engaged in any aspect of Anglican studies, from a range of institutional affiliations, nationalities, geographic origins, and career stages. The Journal of Anglican Studies editorial team recognises and encourages submissions from scholars in groups who are under-represented in research, including women, First Nations Peoples, members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and socially disadvantaged populations. We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in research and publishing from applicants of all races, ethnicities, religious traditions, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins, ages, or other individual status. Through our commitment to these principles, we pledge to help build a culture and community of voices that elevate the field of Anglican studies through a diversity of perspectives, experiences, skills, knowledge and knowledge systems. We expect our guest editors and reviewers to commit to these principles, assuring and advancing constructive, meaningful, and respectful scholarship.
The Journal of Anglican Studies is an international, fully refereed journal that publishes articles and reviews current work in all aspects of the study of Anglicanism. The journal occasionally publishes thematic issues, or sections of issues, on special topics. Correspondence about potential topics for future thematic issues should be directed to the Editor.
Article submissions should be free of identifying information, including acknowledgements. If accepted for peer review, papers will be assessed anonymously. Personal information and acknowledgements can be added to accepted submissions prior to publication.
The following guidelines should be observed. Articles not prepared in accordance with them may not receive full consideration.
Authors are required to complete a licence to publish agreement form before their journal article can be published. For more information please go to our Publishing Agreement page.
Authors should check JAS's Publishing ethics policies while preparing their materials.
Manuscripts should be formatted using one and a half line spacing and numbered consecutively throughout. Margins of approximately one and a half inches or 39mm should be used.
An abstract of between 50 and 150 words describing the aims, methods and conclusions of the manuscript should be. A list of 6-8 key words, in alphabetical order, must follow the abstract.
Articles submitted should normally be 5000-8000 words in length. For information on submitting your materials, please see here.
Quoted matter, if more than four lines, should normally be indented, without quotation marks. Quotations of up to four lines should form part of the text, and should be indicated by single quotation marks. Double quotation marks should be used only for quotations within quotations.
In general, foreign words and phrases should be italicized, both in main text and footnotes. Greek and Hebrew should be transliterated. Spellings with -ize should normally be used (recognize, emphasize, organization, etc.), but analyse, exercise, etc. may be used.
Illustrations, tables, maps and figures must be numbered consecutively and include captions identifying the source of any image or data. Authors are responsible for obtaining and paying for all related copyright and reproduction charges. For information about seeking permission to use copyrighted material, please see here.
Formatting effects such as italics, underlining or bold type should not be used for emphasis.
For further reference, The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (Clarendon Press 1981) is recommended.
Gender-inclusive expression is preferred, e.g. 'humanity' rather than 'man' when referring to both sexes. When personal pronouns are used, both sexes should generally be included, e.g. 'The Christian has to acknowledge his or her dependence on grace' (If this seems clumsy, use plural forms: 'Christians have to acknowledge their dependence on grace').
Upper and Lower Case
Use lower case for personal pronouns of divine persons other than at the beginning of sentences: he, his, etc.
For ‘Church’, use upper and lower case as follows:
Upper case (a) for the whole Church
(b) for a denomination, e.g. the Church of England
Lower case (a) for the building
(b) for the local church
(c) as an adjective: church teaching
also: churchgoer but High Church
For clergy titles, use:
Bishop, not Right Reverend
Archbishop, not Most Reverend
Archdeacon not The Venerable
Dean not The Very Reverend
For the Bible and biblical texts, use:
(a) Bible and Scripture but biblical and scriptural
(b) Gospel - when referring to a canonical book
(c) gospel - when speaking in more general terms
(d) Kingdom of God but cross, crucifixion, resurrection, etc.
When an abbreviation is formed by cutting a word short, a full stop (period) must be used at the end. When a word is shortened only by the omission of internal letters (i.e., a contraction), a full stop is not generally used. Thus: Rel. but Sgt
Note also: Prof. Revd St Dr Mr
For dates, CE, BCE are preferred to BC and AD, and should be unpunctuated and set in small capitals as shown.
Note the following abbreviations and contractions:
ed. (editor, edited by)
trans. (translator, translated by)
rev. (reviser, revised by)
edn (edition)
repr. (reprint)
vol./vols. (volume)
E.g. and i.e. are only permissible in the body of the text if they introduce a list, or are within brackets. Likewise, avoid etc. unless it is in a footnote.
Please do not use op. cit. and avoid ibid.
Avoid f. and ff.
Except where specific instructions are given, conventions of spelling and punctuation associated with UK and US norms are acceptable, but should be used consistently.
focused, focusing etc (not focussed, focussing)
first, secondly, or first, second (but not firstly)
acknowledgment, judgment
analyse (but analyze in American spelling; see also above regarding -ize)
Numerals are to be written out in full when they are ten or below, when they begin a sentence, and normally for hundred, thousand, million, etc. Numbers of centuries should always be written out in full: twenty-first century; nineteenth century etc.
For possessives of proper names ending in the letter ‘s’ (pronounced) s add 's, e.g. Childs's Introduction, Jones's views. Exceptions may be made for cases (such as for ancient names) where convention commends it, e.g. Jesus'.
Brackets within brackets (parentheses) should be square, e.g. G.H. Jones ('The Decree of Yahweh', Vetus Testamentum 15 [1965], pp. 336-44). Square brackets indicating text inserted into a quotation by the author stay in square brackets, e.g. [sic].
Ellipses should not be used simply to indicate that in the original text there are preceding or following words, but cases where text has been omitted between parts of a quotation cited.
Biblical texts
Please use the following abbreviations:
Gen., Song, Exod., Isa., Lev., Jer., Num., Lam., Deut., Ezek., Josh., Dan., Judg., Hos., Ruth, Joel, Sam., Amos, Kgs, Obad., Chron., Jon., Ezra, Mic., Neh., Nah., Est., Hab., Job, Zeph., Ps. (plural Pss.), Hag., Prov., Zech., Eccl., Mal.
Mt., Mk, Thess., Lk., Tim., Jn, Tit., Acts, Phlm., Rom., Heb., Cor., Jas., Gal., Pet., Eph., Jn, Phil., Jude, Rev., Col.
Arabic numerals throughout: 2 Cor. not II Cor.
Full stops (periods) between chapter and verse numbers: Lk. 6.12
Hyphens to mark sequences of verses, and a comma between different verses or groups of verses: Mt. 3.6-8 Lk. 6.10-12 Jn 10.12-14, 16 (n.b. the space after the comma).
En dashes for sequences extending beyond a single chapter: Mt. 6-9
Semicolons to divide distinct references to different chapters of the same book: John 6.15; 14.12
Semicolons to divide single references to separate books: Lk. 4.12; 2 Cor. 3.8
Biblical references may be placed in parentheses in the text - e.g. (Mt. 2.6-8) - or in the footnotes, but should be consistent.
Style for References
References should be provided as numbered footnotes, with the number provided in the text after punctuation. The following conventions should be followed in footnotes.
Titles of articles from periodicals and of book chapters are printed within single quotation marks. Book titles are in italics. Always provide the full page reference for articles or chapters, as shown below; where a more specific reference or quotation is being noted, have it follow the full page range: pp. 155-72 (159).
Journal article
L. Barrett, 'Theology as Grammar: Regulative Principles or Paradigms and Practices?', Modern Theology 25.2 (1988), pp. 155-72.
Chapter/article in a collected volume
J.L. Martyn, 'Have we Found Elijah?', in R. Hamerton-Kelly and R. Scroggs (eds.), Jews, Greeks and Christians: Cultures in Late Antiquity (trans. J. Smith; SJLA, 21; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2nd edn, 1976), pp. 161-175.
Where a quotation is being identified in an article or chapter, include the page range of the whole first, then the specific page reference in brackets:
L. Barrett, 'Theology as Grammar: Regulative Principles or Paradigms and Practices?', Modern Theology 25.2 (1988), pp. 155-72 (161)
James D.G. Dunn, ‘Criteria for a Wise Reading of a Biblical Text’, in David Ford and Graham Stanton (eds.), Reading Texts, Seeking Wisdom (London: SCM Press, 2003), pp. 38-52 (43).
Colin E. Gunton, The One, The Three and The Many (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2nd edn, 1993), pp. 56-59.
S. F. Wu, ‘Suffering in Romans’, Thesis (PhD), University of Divinity, 2013.
Conference Presentation (Unpublished)
R. Carlson, ‘Telling the Whole Story: Bridging the Gap Between Lectionary and Canon’, Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars, Baltimore, 2013.
Personal Communication (Letter etc.)
B. N. Kaye, personal communication to A. B. McGowan, February 4th 2014.
Newspaper Article
‘Anglican Bishop at Odds with Head of Church on Compensation’, The Australian ([include place of publication if not self-evident], November 29, 2013), p. 12.
Nicola Sylvester, ‘Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools: The Annual Report for Academic Year Sept 2011 to July 2012’, (The National Society [UK], 2012), pp.1-10 (2).
Web Page
(Author if known,) ‘Emergent Church and Church Planting’,
Accessed June 10 2014.
Magazine Article
David McIntyre, ‘Knee Fitness’, Southern Cross (Anglican Diocese of Sydney), June 2014, pp. 9-10.
When a resource is referred to after its first occurrence, a short title form is used, e.g. Martyn, 'Have we Found Elijah?', p. 235.
The following additional conventions should be observed in the footnotes:
Journal titles should normally be given in full; a shorter form may be acceptable where it is unambiguous.
Place and publisher should be given for all book titles, except when the reference is to a nineteenth-century or older work, in which case the publisher's name may be omitted.
Page references should be in the following form: pp. 92-98, pp. 153-79 but pp. 107-109, pp. 107-114. As noted, avoid the use of 'f.' and 'ff.'
For works with more than three authors or editors it is permissible to use ‘et al.’
Use a colon between the title and subtitle of a book (if a book has a more complicated title, a full stop is appropriate as well or instead).
When a single publisher has more than one office, only the first stated or the head office should be given as place of publication.
Where a book has more than one publisher, use the following style:
Exeter: Paternoster Press; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Artwork or other images integral to the article must be supplied by the author, and appropriate permissions obtained where necessary.
Line artwork (graphs) should be saved at 1200dpi and ideally saved as TIFF or EPS files.
Halftones (photographs) should be saved at 300dpi and ideally saved as TIFF files.
Figures are to be supplied at approximately the size of reproduction (maximum 120mm x160mm). For further details of file formats please see Cambridge Core Artwork Guide.
All figures must include an accompanying figure legend. Photographs should include reference to sources. Figure legends are to be included at the end of the Word document, after all references. All figures must be cited in the text.
Policy on prior publication
When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow the Cambridge University Press Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record.
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