Editor-in-Chief (Crops and Soils)
Professor Gerrit Hoogenboom -
Keywords: Agricultural systems; Crop modelling and simulation; Decision support systems; Food and nutrition security; Agrometeorology and climatology; Climate change and variability.
Biography: Gerrit Hoogenboom is an agricultural engineer with a broad interest in systems analysis of agriculture for food security and sustainability. His research is focused on the development and application of dynamic crop simulation models and decision support systems. These models are applied at different spatial and temporal scales, ranging from gene-based modelling to precision agriculture and management; climate change impact assessment, adaptation, and mitigation; and long-term carbon sequestration and environmental sustainability.
Editor-in-Chief (Animals)
Professor Julian Wiseman - University of Nottingham, School of Biosciences
Keywords: Non-ruminants; Carcass quality; Nutrition; Nutrition and reproduction interaction.
Biography: Julian Wiseman is Emeritus Professor of Animal Production and formerly Head of the Division of Animal Sciences at the University of Nottingham School of Biosciences, U.K. He gained a B.Sc. (Hons) in Agriculture with Biochemistry subsidiary from the University College of Wales and a Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham, where he did research on the energy value of diets for pigs. He was visiting scientist at the Station de Recherches Avicoles, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Tours, France in 1985 and completed a sabbatical at the University of Melbourne in 2000. His research interests are the nutritional value of raw materials, influence of processing variables, swine and poultry nutrition, animal responses to energy and nutrient intake, carcass and meat quality. He has published over 95 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, edited over 40 books and has presented over 140 papers at international conferences.
Editorial Office
Mrs. Alison Sage (she/her)
Managing Editor
Email: [email protected]
Editorial Board
Dr Adibe Luiz Abdalla - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Enteric methane; Feed evaluation; Ruminant sustainability; Secondary plant metabolites.
Prof. Dr. Rafael Battisti - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
Keywords: Agrometeorology; Crop models; Yield gap; Agricultural systems modeling; Agronomy
Dr Randhir S. Bhatt - Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, India
Keywords: Ruminant Nutrition, Methane Emission and Mitigation strategies, Feeding and meat/milk composition, Feed resource utilization.
Dr Raghavendra Bhatta - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology
Keywords: Energy Metabolism; Tannin; Enteric methane emission; Rumen methane amelioration; Climate change; Small ruminant production.
Dr Shabtai Bittman - Agriculture & AgriFood Canada, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Canada
Keywords: Environment; Forages; Nutrients.
Dr. Abmael Cardoso - University of Wisconsin, USA
Keywords: Integrated crop-livestock systems, Greenhouse gas emissions, Ammonia volatilization, Soil carbon, Beef cattle production, Forage, Pasture management
Dr Salvatore Ceccarelli - Independent Consultant, Italy
Keywords: Plant breeding; Evolution; Local knowledge.
Professor Brian Cullis - University of Wollongong, Australia
Keywords: REML; Statistics; Design and analysis of experiments.
Dr. Ir. Jan Dijkstra - Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Keywords: Grazing; Methane; Modelling fermentation processes.
Dr Josef Eitzinger - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Keywords: Agrometeorology; Climate change; Crop simulation.
Prof. Jose Mauricio Cunha Fernandes - EMBRAPA, Brazil
Keywords: Crop modelling, Climate variability, Weather, Simulation modelling, R programming
Dr. Margarita Garcia-Vila - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain
Keywords: Irrigation management; Crop modelling; Water productivity; Decision support systems/tools; Climate change impacts
Dr Javier Giráldez - Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña, Spain
Keywords: Meat production; Milk production; Ruminant nutrition.
Dr Gonzalo Hervás Angulo - Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña (IGM), CSIC-University of León, Spain
Keywords: Dairy; Lipid metabolism; Milk production; Ruminant nutrition.
Dr. Egon Horst - Midwestern Paraná State University, Brazil
Keywords: Maize/Corn silage; Forage conservation; Roughage as feed for ruminants; Ruminant feeding
Dr Alexander Hristov - Pennsylvania State University, USA
Keywords: Dairy nutrition; Environment; Ruminant nutrition.
Dr Xiuliang Jin - INRA, UMR-EMMAH, UMT-CAPTE, France
Keywords: Remote sensing; Crops; Precision agriculture.
Dr Marianne Johansen - Aarhus University, Denmark
Keywords: Feedstuff evaluation; Forage quality; Methane production; N & P utilization; Ruminant nutrition and cattle.
Prof. Simerjeet Kaur - Punjab Agricultural University, India
Keywords: Weed Science; Crop Production; Resource Conservation Technologies.
Prof. Darshani Kumaragamage - University of Winnipeg, Canada
Keywords: Soil chemistry, especially phosphorus; Soil fertility; Plant nutrition; Redux chemistry; Nutrient availability and sustainable nutrient management.
Professor Xianyong Lan - Northwest A&F University, China
Keywords: Animal genetics; Epigenetics; Evolution; Analysis of genetic diversity; Detection and functional analysis of non-coding RNA; Alternative splicing; DNA methylation in livestock
Professor Secundino Lopez - Universidad de León, Spain
Keywords: Animal nutrition; Forage; Ruminant; Modelling.
Professor Jennifer MacAdam - Utah State University, USA
Keywords: Plant physiology; Forage production; Non-fibre carbohydrates; Perennial legumes; Plant anatomy.
Professor Aduli Malau-Aduli - The University of Newcastle, Australia
Keywords: Animal Genetics; Animal Nutrition; Fatty acids & meat quality; Molecular genomics; Sheep, dairy & beef production.
Dr. Gaëlle Maxin - UMR 1213 Herbivores INRAE-VetAgroSup, France
Keywords: Ruminants; Feed value characterisation and evaluation; Forage; Grassland; Feed multicriteria assessment
Professor Simone Orlandini - University of Florence, Italy
Keywords: Agroclimatology; Agrometeorology; Agronomy.
Dr Cormac O'Shea - Technological University of the Shannon, Republic of Ireland
Keywords: Poultry nutrition; Pig nutrition; Non-ruminant nutrition.
Dr. John Otto - The University of Newcastle, Australia
Keywords: Ruminant nutrition; Animal genetics; Meat science; Animal production; Pasture science and management
Dr Kerstin Panten - Julis-Kuhn Institut, Germany
Keywords: Effect of fertilisers and soil additives; Evaluation of fertilisation strategies; Nutrient supply and crop yield; Recycling fertilisers; Soil Erosion.
Dr Hans-Peter Piepho - University of Hohenheim, Germany
Keywords: Experimental design; Statistics; Genotype-environment interaction; Mixed models; Yield stability.
Dr Ragab Ragab - Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK
Keywords: Agriculture Water Management; Soil physics, irrigation and drainage; Water and food security; Water-Plant-Soil relationship; Impact of climate and land use changes on agriculture production.
Dr Laurence Shalloo - Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Republic of Ireland
Keywords: Economics; GHG emissions; Modelling.
Dr Luis Silva - University of Queensland, Qld Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation
Keywords: Beef cattle; Grazing; Ruminant nutrition.
Professor Sokratis Stergiadis - University of Reading, UK
Keywords: Animal nutrition; Animal product quality; Livestock production systems.
Dr Paul Williams - Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Keywords: Rhizospheres; Rice; Soils; Trace elements; Recycled fertilisers; P cycling.
Professor Dr Arda Yildirim - Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey
Keywords: Poultry production; Nutrition X Welfare; Feeds; Feed additives; Egg quality