Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
Between 1941 and 1946 some twenty-five field experiments were carried out at various centres in England to assess the factors which determine the yield level and seed composition of linseed (oil flax). The experiments were of multifactorial design, and the main variables studied were varietal differences, levels of mineral nutrient supply and plant population. Additions of nitrogen (35 lb./acre) over all experiments raised the yield of seed by 10%, whereas additional phosphorus (50 lb. P2O5/acre) or potassium (80 lb. K2O/acre) had small and inconsistent effects. A significant interaction between nitrogen and variety was recorded in one trial, but in twelve out of fourteen experiments the varieties reacted uniformly to a combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, while in the remaining two experiments the interactions were contradictory.