Last May, when we received a cordial letter from Dr. Peter J.Marshall of King's College, London, the co-editor of The Journal of Commonwealth and Imperial History, we replied immediately. Dr.Marshall had expressed interest in Itinerario and suggested we remain in contact because the two publications obviously had so much in common. It so happened that we were to be in London early in the summer, and so we proposed a meeting, which actually took place on July 10. Present were George Winius, of the Leiden staff, Dr. Tikiri Abeyasinge, Itinerario's corresponding editor from Sri-Lanka (en route to take up a Gulbenkian Foundation grant in Portugal), and Drs. Marshall and Glynwr Williams, the other co-editor, of Queen Mary College. The gathering began over lasagna in a crowded London pub, but it adjourned to Dr. Marshall's offices.