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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 December 2008
The notion that the German liberals of 1848 failed because they were mere men of ideas and hence incapable of managing the grim realities of power politics has become dogma. We tend to accept this interpretation unthinkingly, I suspect, because it fits so well our modern anti-idealist bias in favor of the “practical realist” in politics – one, that is to say, who is adept at maneuvering safely among existing forces without attempting to add the force of ideals and hope. In his recent and excellent book, however, Mr. Theodore S. Hamerow has shown that the liberals of 1848 failed not because they were impractical but because they were too practical. Indeed, so single-mindedly did the liberals push their own practical political and economic interest, Mr. Hamerow informs us, that they cut off their ties with those classes – the peasants and workers – whose violence had made the revolutions successful.
page 77 note 1 Theodore, S. Hamerow, Restoration, Revolution, Reaction: Economics and Politics in Germany, 1815–1871, Princeton University Press, 1958.Google Scholar
page 78 note 1 ibid., p. 155.
page 78 note 2 Beschluesse des Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeiterkongresses zu Frankfurt a.M. As reprinted in, Biermann, W., Winkelblech, Karl (Karl Mario), Leipzig, 1909, II, Anhang I, p. 441.Google Scholar
page 79 note 1 His name was Karl Winkelblech, but with one exception (a chemistry textbook) he published under the name of Karl Mario.
page 79 note 2 Karl, Mario, Untersuchungen ueber die Organisation der Arbeit; oder, System der Weltoekonomie, Kassel, Appel, 1853, I, Part two, Foreword, pp. III–IV.Google Scholar
page 79 note 3 ibid., p. V.
page 80 note 1 Gustav, Schmoller, Zur Geschichte der Deutschen Kleingewerbe im 19ten Jahrhundert, Halle, 1870, 307.Google Scholar
page 80 note 2 Mario, op. cit., I. Part One, 53.
page 81 note 1 ibid., 73.
page 81 note 2 ibid., 55.
page 81 note 3 ibid., 109ff.
page 81 note 4 ibid., 115.
page 82 note 1 ibid., 71.
page 83 note 1 ibid., pp. 132–133.
page 84 note 1 ibid., 178–179.
page 85 note 1 ibid., 365ff.
page 85 note 2 ibid., 369.
page 85 note 3 ibid., 365ff.
page 86 note 1 ibid., 373–374.
page 87 note 1 Heinrich, Graefe, Kurhessen seit 1848, in: Gegenwart, VI, 1851.Google Scholar
page 87 note 2 Biermann, W., Karl, Winkelblech (Karl, Marlo), Leipzig, 1909.Google Scholar Unless otherwise indicated, this has been the source for my biographical remarks.
page 87 note 3 Veit, Valentin, 1848, Chapters of German History, London, 1940, p. 266 ff.Google Scholar Valentin's remarks on the history of the radical movement in 1848 are most valuable.
page 88 note 1 Marlo, op. cit., pp. 297–298.
page 88 note 2 Verhandlung der ersten Abgeordneten-Versammlung des Nord-Deutschen Handwerkerund Gewerbestandes zu Hamburg, June 1848 (Meine und Schirges, Hamburg, 1848). See Biermann, op. cit., II, pp. 57–58.
page 89 note 1 Biermann, op. cit., II, 66–67.
page 89 note 2 Biermann, ibid., II, 69.
page 89 note 3 ibid., II.
page 90 note 1 Verhandlung des ersten Deutschen Handwerker- und Gewerbe-Kongresses zu Frankfurt a.M. Schirges, , Editor (Darmstadt: Papst, 1848) p. 139.Google Scholar
page 90 note 2 ibid., 23.
page 90 note 3 ibid., 121.
page 90 note 4 Entwurf einer Allgemeinen Handwerker- und Gewerbe- Ordnung fuer Deutschland, Frankfurt a.M., Naumann, 1848.
page 90 note 5 Marlo, op.cit., I, Part One, 186–187.
page 91 note 1 Marlo, ibid., 186.
page 91 note 2 Biermann, op. cit., 459.
page 91 note 3 Biermann, ibid., 455.
page 91 note 4 Biermann, ibid. 440.
page 92 note 1 Goldschmidt, E. F., Die Deutsche Handwerker-Bewegung bis zum Siege der Gewerbefreiheit, Munich, 1916.Google Scholar
page 92 note 2 Marlo, op. cit., 187.
page 93 note 1 Georg, Adler, Die Geschichte der ersten sozialpolitischen Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland, Berlin, 1885, pp. 181ff.Google Scholar Biermann, op. cit., II, p. 288ff. Max, Quarck, Die erste Deutsche Arbeiterbewegung: Geschichte der Arbeiterverbruederung 1848/49, Leipzig 1924, pp. 225–230.Google Scholar
page 93 note 2 Stephan, Born, Erinnerungen eines Achtundvierzigers, Leipzig, 1898, pp. 191ff.Google Scholar
page 93 note 3 Quarck, op.cit., 230.
page 93 note 4 Frankfurter Journal, 222, Erste Beilage, (12 August, 1848) p. 1.
page 94 note 1 Schmoller, op. cit., 95.
page 95 note 1 Schmoller, ibid., 108.
page 95 note 2 Cole, G. D. H., however, has presented an excellent brief exposition of Mario's ideas in: History of Socialist Thought, New York, 1953–1956, 1.Google Scholar
page 95 note 3 Karl, Marlo, Untersuchungen ueber die Organisation der Arbeit; oder, System der Weltoekonomie, 2te Vervollstaendigte Auflage, Tuebingen, H. Laupp, 1884–1886.Google Scholar
page 95 note 4 Biermann, op. cit., II, 398–401.