Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 May 2009
This article seeks to list and briefly analyze the different ways and forms whereby contemporary international organizations participate in the making of new rules of public international law.
1 See, for example, the following basic writings: Pilidis, T. P., La capacité de conclure des traités des organisations internationales (Paris, 1952)Google Scholar; Carroz, J. and Probst, Y., Personnalité juridique Internationale et capacité de conclure des traités de l'ONU et des institutions spécialisées (Paris: Foulon, 1953Google Scholar); Zemanek, Karl, Das Vertragsrecht der Internationalen Organisationen (Vienna, 1957CrossRefGoogle Scholar); Cahier, Philippe, Etudes des accords de siège conclus entre les organisations internationales et les Etats où dies résident (Milan: A. Giuffrè, 1959Google Scholar); Kasme, Badr, La capacité de l'organisation des Nations Unies de conclure des traités (Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1960)Google Scholar; Schneider, J. W., The Treaty-Making Power of International Organizations (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1959Google Scholar); Socini, Roberto, Gli accordi internazionali delle organisazioni inter-governative (Padua: Cedam, 1962)Google Scholar.
2 Higgins, Rosalyn, The Development of International Law Through the Political Organs of the United Nations (London: Oxford University Press, 1963)Google Scholar.
3 See on the latter subject Merle, Marcel, “Le pouvoir règlementaire des institutions internationales,” Annuaire Français de Droit International, 1958 (Vol. 4), pp. 341–360CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Schulz, Günther, ‘Entwicklungsformen internationaler Gesetzgebung (Göttingen: Universität, 1960)Google Scholar; Tammes, A. J. P., “Decisions of International Organs as a Source of International Law,’ Académic de Droit International Recueil des Cours, 1958–11 (Vol. 94), pp. 261–364Google Scholar.
4 For instance, see Cheever, Daniel S. and Haviland, H. Field Jr, Organizing for Peace: International Organization in World Affairs (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954), p. 275Google Scholar ; or Claude, Inis L. Jr, Swords into Plowshares: The Problems and Progress of International Organization (2nd ed., New York: Random House, 1959), p. 132Google Scholar. Bowett, D. W., in The Law of International Institutions (London: Stevens & Sons, 1963)Google Scholar, writes more extensively on the subject though he restricts his explanations to the drafting of conventions under the auspices of the organizations (pp. 120–125) and to amendment procedures (pp. 329–332). Apart from a brief mention, the system of contracting-out is not dealt with in his book nor are the legislative enactments of the European Communities.
5 Higgins, op. cit. See also Schachter, Oscar, “The Development of International Law Through the Legal Opinions of the United Nations Secretariat,” British Year Book of International Law, 1948 (Vol. 25), PP. 91–125Google Scholar.
6 Schwelb, Egon, ’The Amending Procedure of Constitutions of International Organizations,” British Year Book of International Law, 1954 (Vol. 31), pp. 49–95Google Scholar.
7 Cf. also the amended Article 30, paragraph 2, of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
8 Cf. the works listed in footnote 1 above.
9 Cf., in addition to the writings quoted in footnote 1 above, Schindler, Dietrich, Die Verbindlichkeit der Beschüsse des Völkerbundcs (Zürich: Orell Füssli, 1927Google Scholar); Sloan, F. Blaine, “The Binding Force of a ‘Recommendation’ of the General Assembly of the United Nations,” British Year Book, of International Law, 1948 (Vol. 25), pp. 1–33Google Scholar; Piotrowski, G., “Les résolutions de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies et la porté de droit conventionnel,” Revue de droit international, de sciences diplomatiques et politiques, 1955 (33rd Year), pp. 111–125 and 211–242Google Scholar; Johnson, D. H. N., “The Effect of Resolutions of the General Assembly of die United Nations,” British Year Book of International Law, 1955–1956 (Vol. 32), pp. 97–122Google Scholar; Virally, Michel, “La valeur juridique des recommandations des organisations internationales,” Annuaire Français de Droit International, 1956 (Vol. 2), pp. 66–96CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Northedge, F. S., “The Authority of the United Nations General Assembly,” International Relations, 10 1957 (Vol. 1, No. 8), pp. 349–361, 376Google Scholar; Malintoppi, Antonio, Le recommandazione internazionali (Milan: A. Giuffrè, 1958)Google Scholar; Galino, Francisco Ramos, “Las Resoluciones de la Asamblea General de las Nacionas Unidas y su fuerza legal,” Revista Española de Derecho Internadonal, 1958 (Vol. 11, Nos. 1–2), pp. 95–128Google Scholar; Dahm, Georg, “Die völkerrechtliche Verbindlichkeit von Empfehlungen internationaler Organisationen,” Die Öffentliche Verwaltung, 1959 (Vol. 12), pp. 361–367Google Scholar; Nagel, Heinrich, “Lassen die Empfehlungen der Vereinten Nationen Rückschlusse auf die rechtliche Natur der Empfehlungen des Europarates und des Nordischen Rates zu?” Nordisk, Tidsshfift for International Ret, 1960 (Vol. 30), pp. 52–72Google Scholar.
10 Lauterpacht, Hersh, The Function of Law in International Community (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933). PP. 75–76Google Scholar.
11 As to the powers of the General Assembly to adopt resolutions bearing on international law, compare the observations of the Netherlands government in General Assembly Official Records (6th session), Annexes, Agenda Item 48, p. 9Google Scholar. For a discussion, inter alia, of resolutions embodying customary law of nations and codification of that law through declarative codes adopted by the General Assembly, see Castañeda, Jorge, “The Underdeveloped Nations and the Development of International Law,” International Organization, Winter 1961 (Vol. 15, No. 1), pp. 38–48CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
12 Cf., in addition to the writings referred to in footnotes 3 and 9 above, Mario Scerni, Saggio sulla natura delle norme emanate degli organi creati con atti internazionali (Genoa, 1930)Google Scholar; Monaco, Ricardo, “I regolamenti interni degli end internazionali,” Jus Gentium: Annuario Italiano di Diritto Internazionale, 1938 (Vol. 1), pp. 52–108Google Scholar; Krylov, S. B., “K obsuzhdeniyu voprosov teorii mezhdunarodnogo prava,” Sovetskpe Gosudarstvo i Pravo, 1954 (No. 7), pp. 74–79Google Scholar; Ivrakis, Solon C., “The Regulation-Making Power of the United Nations,” Revue Hellenique de Droit International, 1956 (9th Year, Nos. 1–4), pp. 80–92Google Scholar; Bastid, Suzanne, “De quelques problèmes juridiques posés par le développement des organisations internationales,” Grundprobleme des Internationalen Rechts. Festschrift für Jean Spiropoulos (Bonn: Schimmelbusch & Co., 1957), pp. 37–42Google Scholar; Focsaneanu, Lazar, “Le droit interne de l'organisation des Nations Unies,” Annuaire Français de Droit International, 1957 (Vol. 3), pp. 315–349CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Monaco, Ricardo, “L'autonomia normativa degli enti internazionali,” Scritti di diritto internazionale in onore di Tomaso Perassi (Milan: A. Giuffrè, 1957), pp. 135 ffGoogle Scholar.; Dedeva, Matteo, Il diritto interno delle Unioni internazionali (Padua: Cedam, 1962)Google Scholar; Cahier, Philippe, “Le droit interne des organisations internationales,” Revue Générate de Droit International Public, 07–09 1963 (Vol. 67), pp. 563–602Google Scholar. The last named contribution deserves special attention in view of its careful analysis and extensive bibliography.
13 This view, we think, finds corroborarion in the pronouncements of the International Court of Justice (IOJ) in the cases of Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of April 11, 1949, I.C.J. Reports, 1949, pp. 174, 179; and Effect of awards of compensations made by the U.N. Administrative Tribunal, Advisory Opinion of July 13, 1954, I.C.J. Reports, 1954. Cf. Tammes, , op. cit., p. 311Google Scholar. See also Rouyer-Hameray, Bernard, Les compétences implicites des organisations internationales (Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1962)Google Scholar. For some doubts regarding such power on the part of the organization, see Kelsen, Hans, The Law of the United Nations, Supplement (London: Stevens & Sons, 1951), p. 938Google Scholar, with respect to the Flag Code of the UN, and, more generally, Scheuner, Ulrich, “Die Rechtssetzungsbefugnis internationaler Gemeinscheften,” Völkerrccht und rechtliches Weltbild. Festschrift für Alfred Verdross (Vienna, 1960), pp. 229–242, especially pp. 236–237CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
14 Jessup, Philip C., “Parliamentary Diplomacy: An Examination of the Legal Quality of the Rules of Procedure of the United Nations,” Académic de Droit International, Recueil des Cours, 1956–1 (Vol. 89), pp. 185–319Google Scholar; Kappelman, Uwe, Die Geschäftsordnungen internationaler Organisationen, unter besonderer Berūcksichtigung der Geschäftsordnung der Allgemeinen Versammlung der Vereinten Nationen (Mainz, 1956)Google Scholar.
15 See Cohen, Maxwell, “Reflections on Law and the United Nations System,” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its fifty-fourth annual meeting held at Washington, D.C., April 28–30, 1960, p. 250Google Scholar. See also Jenks, C. Wilfred, “Co-ordination: A New Problem of International Organization. A Preliminary Survey of the Law and Practice of International Relationships,” Académie de Droit International, Recueil des Cours, 1950–II (Vol. 77), pp. 157–302Google Scholar.
16 Freymond, Pierre, “Les ‘décisions’ de l'Organisation Européenne de Coopération Economique. Contribution à l'étude des procédures à l'effet de conclure des traités,” Annuaire Suisse de Droit International, 1954 (Vol. 11), pp. 65–90Google Scholar.
17 It may be added that the European Communities, although they are supranational organizations, come within the purview of this article. See parenthetical observation in subsection C below.
18 Jones, Helen Hart, “Amending the Chicago Convention and Its Technical Standards—Can Consent of All Member States Be Eliminated?” Journal of Air Law and Commerce, Spring 1949 (Vol. 16, No. 2), pp. 185–213Google Scholar; Malintoppi, Antonio, “La fonction ‘normative’ de I'O.A.C.I.,” Revue Généale de l‘Air, 1950 (Vol. 13, New Series), pp. 1050–1053Google Scholar; Goff, M. Le, “L'activité des Divisions Techniques au sein de l'O.A.C.I.,” Revue Générale de l'Air, 1951 (Vol. 14, New Series), pp. 419–432Google Scholar; Ros, Enrique Jorge, “Le pouvoir legislatif international de l'O.A.C.I. et ses modalités,” Revue Générale de l'Air, 1953 (Vol. 16, New Series), pp. 25–35Google Scholar; Mankiewicz, R. H., “L'adoption des annexes à la convention de Chicago par le Conseil de l'Organisation de l'Aviation Civile Internationale,” Beiträge zum internationalen Luftrecht. Festschrift zit Ehren von Prof. Dr. jur Alex Meyer (Düsseldorf, 1954), pp. 82–94. The last study deserves special attentionGoogle Scholar.
19 Journal Officiel de la Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier, 1952–1958 (Luxembourg: European Coal and Steel Community)Google Scholar; Journal Officiel des Communautés Européennes, 1958 et seq. (Brussels: Service des publications des communautés Européennes)Google Scholar. The following works concentrate exclusively on the regulative powers of the Communities in contradistinction to writings on specific acts of the Communities: Pescatore, Pierre, “Les aspects fonctionels de la CEE, notamment les sources du droit,” Les aspects juridiques du Marché Commun (Liège, 1958), pp. 51 ffGoogle Scholar. Salcedo, Juan Antonio Carillo, “La potestad reglamentaria en europeas,” Revista Espãnola de Derecho Internacional, 1958 (Vol. 11), pp. 199–226Google Scholar; Wohlfahrt, Ernst, “Europäisches Recht. Von der Befugnis der Organs der Europäischen Wirtschafts gemeinschaft zur Rechtsetzung,” jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, 1959 (Vol. 9), pp. 12–32Google Scholar; Kraushaar, Reinhold, “Zur Komptenz der Kommissionen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften zum Erlass von Verordnungen,” Die Öffentliche Verwaltung, 1959 (Vol. 12, No. 19), pp. 726–731Google Scholar; Skubiszewski, Krzysztof, Zachodni, 1962 (Vol. 18, Part 3, Nos. 5 and 6), pp. 8–47 and 212–244Google Scholar; Cheng, B., “Transport Law of the European Communities,” Current Legal Problems, 1963 (Vol. 16), pp. 197–219CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Campbell, Alan and Thompson, Dennis, Common Martlet Law, Texts and Commentaries and Supplement (London: Stevens & Sons, 1962 and 1963, respectively)Google Scholar; de Valk, W., La signification de l'intiération européenne pour le développement de droit international moderne (Leyden: A. W. Sythoff, 1962)Google Scholar.
20 Carstens, Carl, “Die Kleine Revision des Vertrages über die Europäische Gemeinschaft fÜr Kohle und Stahl,” Zeitschrijt für ausländisches öffcntliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1961 (Vol. 21), pp. 1–37Google Scholar.
21 Kiss, Alexandre-Charles, “Quelques aspects de la substitution d'une organisation internationale à une autre,” Annuaire Français de Droit International, 1961 (Vol. 7), pp. 463–491, especially 482–483CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Hahn, Hugo J., “Continuity in the Law of International Organizations,” Duke Law journal, Summer 1962 (No. 3), pp. 378–422Google Scholar and Autumn 1962 (No. 4), pp. 522–557, especially 543–557.
22 Bebr, Gerhard, “The Relation of the European Coal and Steel Community to the Law of the Member States,” Columbia Law Review, 1958 (Vol. 58, No. 6), pp. 767–797CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Bebr, , “The Relationship Between the Community Law and the Law of the Member States,” Restrictive Practices, Patents, Trade Marks and Unfair Competition in the Common Market (International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Supplementary Publication No. 4, 1962), pp. 1–15Google Scholar; Schlochauer, Hans Jürgen, “Das Verhältnis des Rechts der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zu den nationalen Rechtsordnungcn der Mitgliedstaaten,” Archiv des Völkerrechts, 1963 (Vol. 11, No. 1), pp. 1–34Google Scholar. The latter writer quotes a detailed bibliography on the subject. See also Jaenicke, Günther, “Das Verhältnis zwischen Gemeinschaftsrecht und nationalen Recht in der Agrarmarktorganisation der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft,” Zeitschrijt für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Vökjerrecht, 1963 (Vol. 23), pp. 485–535Google Scholar.