The question, whether and to what extent the citation of laws, Rechtsprechung and legal doctrine should be internationally standardized, cannot be answered for all branches of law without making certain distinctions. International contracts or codifications with multinational validity (for example, the law of the European Union) have other criteria to fulfill with regard to their function and coordination as does, for instance, the law of criminal procedure of a Swiss canton. The Rechtsprechung of a national supreme court has, as a result of the possibilities of international reception within the scope of comparative law, a different meaning from that of lower authorities. A scholarly paper with an international or comparative law perspective is not oriented toward the same target group nor with the same pretenses as a more practice oriented essay about procedural niceties of a specific national law. Moreover, it appears to me, the “whether” and “how” of an international standardization of the legal citation passes over the true problem. A formal standardization of the legal citation is not the important issue; rather, it is an increase in the mutual understandability of legal materials. Legal citations should be able to be understood as precisely and quickly as possible.