In this review of the situation with regard to the multiperiodic Cepheid variables, our subject matter is divided into four parts. The first discusses general causes of pulsation of Cepheids and other variable stars, and their locations on the H-R diagram. For this section we draw upon the work during the past 10-15 years of J. P. Cox, Baker, Kippenhahn, A. N. Cox, King, Christy, Castor, Stobie, Stellingwerf, Davey, Iben, and Tuggle, mostly with the small amplitude linear nonadiabatic radial pulsation theory. In the second section we review the linear adiabatic and nonadiabatic theory calculation of radial pulsation periods and their application to the problem of masses of double-mode Cepheids. Contributions discussed are by Cogan, J. P. Cox, King, Stellingwerf, Petersen, Hansen, and Ross. Periodic solutions, and their stability, of the nonlinear radial pulsation equations for Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars are considered in the third section. This research has been done by Stellingwerf with previous development of methods by Baker and von Sengbusch and current work by A. N. Cox and Davey at Los Alamos. In the last section we give the latest results on nonlinear, nonperiodic, radial pulsations for Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars. This work has been done by Stellingwerf, King, A. N. Cox, J. P. Cox, and Davey.