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page 195 note 1 Edited by Woodman, Tony and West, David. Cambridge U.P., 1974. Pp. viii + 166. £3·90 net.Google Scholar
page 195 note 2 Editrice Antenore, Padua, 1974. Pp. 135. L.4,000.
page 195 note 3 BDancing in Chains: the Stylistic Unity of the Comoedia Palliata. Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome XXV. American Academy in Rome, 1974. Pp. xiii + 230. Price not stated.Google Scholar
page 195 note 4 By Wiseman, T. P.. Leicester U.P., 1974. Pp. 212, with 4 tables and 4 plates. £4·80.Google Scholar
page 196 note 1 Classical Life and Letters. Duckworth, London, 1974. Pp. viii + 182, with frontispiece. £4·95 net.
page 196 note 2 Vergil's Eclogues, Landscapes of Experience. By Leach, Eleanor Winsor. Cornell U.P., 1974. Pp. 281, with 19 illustrations. £8·25.Google Scholar
page 196 note 3 BOvid's Heroides. By Jacobson, Howard. Princeton U.P., 1974. Pp. xiv + 437. £10·20.Google Scholar
page 197 note 1 BPersius and the Programmatic Satire. A Study in Form and Imagery. Cambridge Classical Studies. Cambridge U.P., 1974. Pp. xiv + 224. £4·00 net.Google Scholar
page 197 note 2 **Scritti minori. Casa Editrice Elia, Rome, 1973. Pp. xi + 395. L.6,000.Google Scholar
page 197 note 3 Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino 12. Edited by Lunelli, Aldo. Pàtron Editore, Bologna, 1974. Pp. lvii + 208. L.5,500.Google Scholar
page 197 note 4 Titi Livi ab Urbe Condita, i (Libri i–v). Oxford U.P., 1974. Pp. xxiv + 391. £2·50 net.Google Scholar