1. Introduction
A central problem in classical harmonic analysis is finding conditions on symbols
$\phi \in L_\infty ({\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}}^n)$
such that the associated Fourier multiplier
is bounded on
. One can replace
here by any locally compact abelian group in a straightforward way. For non-abelian groups
, there is no Pontryagin dual; instead, the Fourier multiplier corresponding to a function
is a map on the group von Neumann algebra. It is given by
$\lambda _s \mapsto \phi (s) \lambda _s$
$s \in G$
, where
is the left regular representation. Equivalently, it is given by
$\lambda (f) \mapsto \lambda (\phi f)$
$f \in L_1(G)$
. It turns out that symbols
$\phi \in L_\infty (G)$
give rise to bounded Fourier multipliers on
$\mathcal{L} G$
precisely when
defines a multiplier on the Fourier algebra
, which coincides with the predual of
$\mathcal{L} G$
Another interesting question is which symbols
$\phi \in L_\infty (G)$
give rise to a completely bounded multiplier on
$\mathcal{L} G$
. Bozejko and Fendler [Reference Bozejko and Fendler1] showed that this happens exactly when
defines a bounded Schur multiplier of Toeplitz type on
, and in that case, the completely bounded norms are equal. This is called a transference result between Fourier and Schur multipliers. A different proof of this transference result was later provided by Jolissaint [Reference Jolissaint13]. This relation between Fourier and Schur multipliers has been an important tool to prove several multiplier results. For instance, bounding the norm of Fourier multipliers by that of Schur multipliers played a crucial role in [Reference Parcet, Ricard and de la Salle21]. The converse transference was used in [Reference Pisier20] to give examples of bounded multipliers on
-spaces that are not completely bounded. Similar transference techniques were used in [Reference Conde-Alonso, González-Pérez, Parcet and Tablate4] to prove Hörmander-Mikhlin criteria for the boundedness of Schur multipliers and in [Reference Lafforgue and de la Salle17] to find examples of noncommutative
-spaces without the completely bounded approximation property.
There are several papers treating transference results for the noncommutative
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
. Neuwirth and Ricard studied this question for discrete groups [Reference Neuwirth and Ricard18]. In this case, the Fourier multipliers are relatively straightforward to define on
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
. They proved that if
defines a completely bounded Fourier multiplier on
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, then it defines a completely bounded Schur multiplier on the Schatten class
. Moreover, they proved that the converse implication also holds provided that the group
is amenable. Later, Caspers and De la Salle [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3] defined Fourier multipliers on the noncommutative
-spaces of general locally compact groups and proved that the same transference results also hold here. An analogous result was proved by Gonzalez-Perez [Reference Gonzalez-Perez10] for crossed products.
Juschenko, Todorov and Turowska [Reference Juschenko, Todorov and Turowska14] introduced multilinear Schur multipliers with respect to measure spaces. Such multipliers and the related notion of multiple operator integrals have been used to prove several interesting results such as the resolution of Koplienko’s conjecture on higher order spectral shift functions in [Reference Potapov, Skripka and Sukochev22]. Therefore, it is also interesting to consider transference between multilinear Fourier and Schur multipliers. Todorov and Turowska [Reference Todorov26] defined a multidimensional Fourier algebra and proved a transference result for multiplicatively bounded multilinear Fourier and Schur multipliers.
To consider multilinear results on noncommutative
-spaces, one needs a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-version of multiplicative boundedness. This was introduced by Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5] along the lines of Pisier’s characterisation of completely bounded norms in terms of Schatten norms [Reference Pisier20, Lemma 1.7]. Moreover, they proved a bilinear transference result for discrete groups ‘along the way’ in [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Proof of Theorem 7.2], in order to provide examples of
-multipliers for semidirect products of groups. Multilinear transference was studied in a more general sense by Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and the author of the present manuscript in [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6], but only for unimodular groups. They obtained a generalisation of the linear transference results. As a direct consequence of this transference result, a De Leeuw-type restriction theorem was proven for the multiplicatively bounded norms. In this paper, we complete the picture by proving a multilinear transference result for general locally compact groups.
The main difficulty for non-unimodular groups comes from the fact that the Plancherel weight is not tracial. This means that we have to deal with spatial derivatives, which in our case will just be the multiplication operator with the modular function. It will be denoted by
. In particular, this raises the question of how the multilinear Fourier multiplier should be defined for
$p \lt \infty$
. It turns out that, in order to prove transference results, one needs to use the definition that ‘leaves the
’s in place’. More precisely, for ‘suitable’
(this will be defined later) and
$x_i = \Delta ^{\frac 1{2p_i}} \lambda (f_i) \Delta ^{\frac 1{2p_i}}$
, the Fourier multiplier is defined as

A major drawback of this definition is that it is not suitable for interpolation results when
$n \gt 2$
, unless the ‘intermediate’
’s are all equal to
, in which case it is open. All this will be discussed in Section 3. Our first main result gives the multilinear transference from Fourier multipliers as defined above to Schur multipliers. This is Theorem4.1. The definitions of
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-multiplicative norms are given in Section 2.2.
Theorem A.
be a locally compact first countable group, and let
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
$1\lt p_1, \ldots, p_n \leq \infty$
be such that
$p^{-1} = \sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. Let
$\phi \in C_b(G^{\times n})$
and define
$\widetilde{\phi } \in C_b(G^{\times n + 1})$

is the symbol of a
$(p_1, \ldots, p_n)$
-multiplicatively bounded Fourier multiplier
, then
$\widetilde{\phi }$
is the symbol of a
$(p_1, \ldots, p_n)$
-multiplicatively bounded Schur multiplier
$M_{\widetilde{\phi }}$
. Moreover,

The proof is mostly an adaptation of the proof of [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Theorem 3.1]. [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Theorem 3.1] in turn has a large overlap with [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.6]. For that reason, the proof of [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Theorem 3.1] only sketches the changes compared to [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.6]. As it seems undesirable to keep stacking sketches of changes, we have chosen to include the proof in full detail here. However, most of the work in generalising to the non-unimodular case comes from generalising the reduction lemmas [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemmas 4.3 and 4.4]. We do this already in Section 3. Note that [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.4] does not give any details for the proof even though it is not that trivial even in the unimodular case. In Lemma 3.8, we give an elegant induction argument that fills this gap.
Also, we need an extension of the intertwining result [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Proposition 3.9] for non-unimodular groups, which we state in Proposition 4.3. We will sketch the proof in a separate technical section at the end. We also note that in [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Theorem 3.1], the group was required to be second countable, but in the proof, actually, only first countability was needed.
For amenable groups, we also have the converse transference result. In fact, one no longer needs a continuous symbol nor the first countability condition on the group. This is Corollary 5.2.
Theorem B.
be an amenable locally compact group and
$1 \leq p, p_1, \dots, p_n \leq \infty$
be such that
$\frac 1p=\sum _{i=1}^n \frac 1{p_i}$
. Let
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
and define
$\widetilde{\phi }$
as in Theorem 1.1. If
$\widetilde{\phi }$
is the symbol of a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-bounded (resp. multiplicatively bounded) Schur multiplier, then
is the symbol of a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-bounded (resp. multiplicatively bounded) Fourier multiplier. Moreover,

Again, the proof is similar to [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6] but with additional technical complications. We also abstain from using ultraproduct techniques since they were not actually necessary for the proof. It should be noted that if
$p_i = \infty$
for some
$1 \leq i \leq n$
, then our methods only yield the above boundedness results of the multilinear Fourier multiplier on
$C_\lambda ^*(G)$
in the
’th input (and conversely, boundedness on
$C_\lambda ^*(G)$
is all we need for the converse direction in TheoremA). Of course, if
$p_1 = \ldots = p_n = p = \infty$
, then the result from [Reference Todorov26] guarantees that the Fourier multiplier is indeed bounded on
$(\mathcal{L} G)^{\times n}$
As a result of TheoremB, we again get a multilinear De Leeuw-type restriction theorem.
Finally, we describe the structure of the paper. We start by giving the necessary preliminaries in Section 2. We also give a new definition of (linear)
-Fourier multipliers here. In Section 3, we discuss possible definitions of the multilinear Fourier multiplier and explain why the definition as stated above is the correct one for transference. We also prove some properties of the multilinear Fourier multiplier that we will need later. In Sections 4 and 5, we prove the transference from Fourier to Schur (TheoremA) and transference from Schur to Fourier (TheoremB), respectively. In Section 6, we sketch the proof of Proposition 4.3 using Haagerup reduction. This section is rather technical and not essential to understand the bigger picture.
2. Preliminaries
A more elaborate discussion of some of the statements in this section is contained in the author’s PhD thesis [Reference Vos27].
2.1. L p -spaces of group von Neumann algebras for noncommutative groups
be a locally compact group, not necessarily unimodular. We will denote the left Haar measure of such a group by
$\mu \,:\!=\, \mu _G$
. Its modular function will be denoted by
. Recall that
$\Delta \,:\, G \to ({\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}}_{\gt 0}, \times )$
is a continuous group homomorphism satisfying

In the sequel, we will write
for the left Haar measure.
The left regular representation
acts on
$(\lambda _sf)(t) = f(s^{-1}t)$
. It also defines a
-representation of the
by the formula

The group von Neumann algebra
$\mathcal{L} G$
is defined as

The group von Neumann algebra admits a canonical weight
, named the Plancherel weight. It is defined for
$x \in \mathcal{L} G$

Here, we extend
to all functions that define a bounded convolution operator. The Plancherel weight is tracial if and only if
is unimodular. Similarly, there is a right regular representation
defined by
$(\rho _sf)(t) = \Delta ^{1/2}(s) f(ts)$
and a Plancherel weight
$(\mathcal{L} G)^{\prime}$
defined as
$\psi (x^*x) = \|f\|^2_2$
is given by
$x = \rho (f)$
for some
$f \in L_2(G)$
$\psi (x) = \infty$
otherwise. In practice, the group
$\mathcal{L} G$
is often semifinite even when
is not unimodular, but it is more natural to work with the Plancherel weight. For instance, the definition of
gives the Plancherel identity (2.2) below.
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
denote the Connes–Hilsum
-space corresponding to the Plancherel weight
$(\mathcal{L} G)^{\prime}$
([Reference Connes7],[Reference Hilsum11]; see also [Reference Terp25]). To keep this paper more accessible, we will not be using the Tomita–Takesaki theory or the theory of spatial derivatives, except for the last section. Instead, we will use some facts about the Connes–Hilsum
-spaces as a black box. First, for
$1 \leq p \lt \infty$
, elements of
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
are closed unbounded operators on
, and sums and products of such operators are densely defined and preclosed. Addition and multiplication on
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
are defined by taking the closures of the resulting sum resp. product, and we will use the usual addition and multiplication notations for this. For any
$x \in L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
, we have

The spatial derivative
$\frac{d\varphi }{d\psi }$
is just multiplication with the modular function
; see, for instance, [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Section 3.5] for more details. With slight abuse of notation, we will denote this operator by
as well. The domain of this operator is exactly the set of functions
$f \in L_2(G)$
such that
$\int _G \Delta ^2(s) |f(s)|^2 ds \lt \infty$
. Usually, we will only apply
to continuous compactly supported functions so that no technical complications can arise.
Now define
$L \,:\!=\, \lambda (C_c(G) \star C_c(G))$
, where
$C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
is the linear span of elements of the form
$f * g$
$f, g \in C_c(G)$
. For
$\theta \in [0,1]$
$1 \leq p \lt \infty$
, there is an embedding
$\kappa ^{\theta }_p\,:\, L \to L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
given by

$p = \infty$
, we simply set
${\kappa }_p^\theta$
to be the identity. The images of the embeddings
${\kappa }^{\theta }_p$
are dense in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, which will be crucial in the rest of the paper.
We now state some other facts for later use. From the definitions of the
-norm and the Plancherel weight, we have the following Plancherel identity:

As a side note, this implies that the map
$C_c(G) \mapsto{\kappa }_2^1(\lambda (C_c(G)))$
$f \mapsto \lambda (f) \Delta ^{1/2}$
extends to a unitary
$L_2(G) \cong L_2(\mathcal{L} G)$
. Next, a straightforward calculation yields the following commutation formulae:


Also, note that for
$f = g * h$
$g,h \in C_c(G)$
$z \in{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
, we have

and therefore
$\Delta ^z (C_c(G) \star C_c(G)) = C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
. Hence, (2.4) yields that

2.2. Operator spaces and multiplicatively bounded maps
$E_1, \dots, E_n, E$
be operator spaces and
$T\,:\, E_1 \times \ldots \times E_n \to E$
a linear map. For
$N \geq 1$
, the multiplicative amplification
$T^{(N)}\,:\, M_N(E_1) \times \ldots M_N(E_n) \to M_N(E)$
is defined as

and extended linearly. The map
is said to be multiplicatively bounded if

Let us now define a notion of
-completely bounded maps. Set
$E = L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi )$
for some von Neumann algebra
and normal faithful semifinite weight
. Let
$x \in M_N(E)$
; then
is closable and
$[x] \in L_p(M_n(\mathcal{M}), \mathrm{tr}_N \otimes \psi )$
. Here
is the trace on
. Now we set
$S_p^N \otimes L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi )$
to be the space
$M_n(L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi ))$
equipped with the norm

We say that an operator
$T\,:\, L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi ) \to L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi )$
-completely bounded if

The matrix norms satisfy

For semifinite
, this is an easy exercise; for arbitrary von Neumann algebras, this requires some analysis on the interplay between spatial derivatives and matrices.
We note that the norm on
$S_p^N \otimes L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi )$
does not give an operator space structure on
$L_p(\mathcal{M}, \psi )$
, as it does not satisfy the axioms. However, if
is semifinite, then the notion of
-completely bounded maps coincides with the usual notion of completely bounded maps by [Reference Pisier20].
We now define a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-multiplicatively bounded norm in a similar manner. Let
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n, p \leq \infty$
$p^{-1} = \sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. We define a map
$T\,:\, L_{p_1}(\mathcal{M}) \times \ldots \times L_{p_n}(\mathcal{M}) \to L_p(\mathcal{M})$
to be
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-multiplicatively bounded if

This turns out to be the correct notion to prove our transference results. We note that this time, there does not seem to be a case for which this coincides with ‘normal’ multiplicative boundedness, as [Reference Pisier20, Lemma 1.7] does not generalise to the multilinear case. If
is semifinite, then the above definition does coincide with the definition of
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-multiplicative boundedness from [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5] and [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6]. Even in the semifinite case, it is unclear if this definition corresponds to the complete boundedness of some linear map on some appropriate tensor product; see [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Remark 2.1].
2.3. Fourier multipliers
Again let
be a locally compact group. For a bounded function
$\phi \,:\, G \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
, the associated Fourier multiplier
$T_\phi \,:\, \mathcal{L} G \to \mathcal{L} G$
is given for
$f \in L_1(G)$
$\lambda (f) \mapsto \lambda (\phi f)$
, whenever this map extends weak-* continuously. This definition has been extended to
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
for general locally compact groups in [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3]. However, this was done only for symbols
$\phi \in M_{cb}A(G)$
, that is, those symbols for which
defines a completely bounded multiplier on
$\mathcal{L} G$
. We give a broader definition here as preparation for the multilinear definition. Define
$\overline{\mathcal{L} G}_{(\gamma )}$
to be the space of closed densely defined
-homogeneous operators on
. See [Reference Terp25, Section III, IV] for a definition and some properties. We use here the facts that this space contains
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
and that the right-hand side of (2.8) is always in
$\overline{\mathcal{L} G}_{(-1/p)}$
([Reference Terp25, III.(19) and Corollary III.34]).
$\phi \in L_\infty (G)$
, define
$T_\phi \,:\,{\kappa }_p^\theta (L) \to \overline{\mathcal{L} G}_{(-1/p)}$

The map
does not depend on the choice of
; this follows from (2.6) and some manipulations using the commutation formula (2.4). When the image of
lies in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
extends continuously to a bounded map on
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, we say that
defines a
-Fourier multiplier. When the extension is moreover
-completely bounded on
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, we say
defines a
-cb Fourier multiplier. For
$\phi \in M_{cb}A(G)$
, the definition of the Fourier multiplier coincides with that of [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3]. For
, this can be shown by using [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Proposition-Definition 3.5] and (2.10) below together with [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Theorem 6.2 (ii), (iv)]; for other
, this follows by interpolation.
Let us now state some known results about when symbols define
- or
-cb Fourier multipliers. Let
be the Fourier algebra; it is defined as
$A(G) = \{f * \tilde{g}\,:\, f, g \in L_2(G)\}$
$\tilde{g}(s) = \overline{g(s^{-1})}$
. It is isomorphic to
$L_1(\mathcal{L} G)$
, the predual of
$\mathcal{L} G$
, through the pairing

From classical theory (see, e.g. [Reference Kaniuth and Lau16, Proposition 5.1.2]), it is known that
$\phi \in M(A(G))$
if and only if
defines a
-Fourier multiplier. In the same way as in [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Proof of Definition-Proposition 3.5], one proves that in this case,
defines a
-Fourier multiplier for all
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
. Trivially,
$A(G) \subseteq M(A(G))$
, and hence
provides us with plenty of symbols defining
-Fourier multipliers; we will use this fact later on. As mentioned above, if
is a
-cb Fourier multiplier (i.e.
$\phi \in M_{cb}A(G)$
), then
is also a
-cb Fourier multiplier for
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
. This is proven in [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Definition-Proposition 3.5].
Let us now turn our attention to the multilinear case. In [Reference Todorov26],
was defined to be the space of all symbols
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
such that the map

extends to a multiplicatively bounded normal map
$(\mathcal{L} G)^{\times n} \to \mathcal{L} G$
. In [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6], multilinear Fourier multipliers on the noncommutative
-spaces were defined for unimodular groups
as follows. Let
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
$1\leq p_1, \ldots, p_n, p \lt \infty$
$p^{-1}=\sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. Consider the map
$T_\phi \,:\, L^{\times n} \to \mathcal{L} G$
defined by

$f_i \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
. If this map takes values in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
and extends continuously to
$L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots \times L_{p_n}(\mathcal{L} G)$
, then we say that
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier. The extension is again denoted by
. In case
$p_i = \infty$
, we replace
$L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G)$
$C_\lambda ^*(G)$
in the
’th coordinate. If the extension is
$(p_1, \dots, p_n$
)-multiplicatively bounded, then we say that
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier.
This definition works only for unimodular groups if
$p \lt \infty$
is not contained in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
otherwise. In Section 3, we will give the definition for non-unimodular groups.
Remark 2.1.
We note that a priori, the set of symbols of
$(\infty, \dots, \infty )$
-mb Fourier multipliers is smaller than
. However, these sets are actually the same. This follows, for instance, from a combination of our results and [Reference Todorov26
, Theorem 5.5]. One does not need the complicated machinery of Section
however. It follows already from the proof of [
Reference Todorov26, Theorem 5.5] or from the alternative proof of the Fourier to Schur direction in [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6
, Proposition 2.3], which it suffices to require that
is bounded on
$(C_\lambda ^*(G))^{\times n}$
2.4. Schatten classes and Schur multipliers
We denote by
the standard Schatten classes on the Hilbert space
. If
$(X, \mu )$
is some measure space, then
can be isometrically identified with the space of kernels
$L_2(X \times X)$
. Through this identification, a kernel
$A \in L_2(X \times X)$
corresponds to the operator
$(A\xi )(s) = \int _X A(s,t) \xi (t) dt$
. This should be seen as a continuous version of matrix multiplication. We will make no distinction between an operator
and its kernel. For
$1 \leq p \leq 2 \leq p^{\prime} \leq \infty$
$\frac 1p + \frac 1{p^{\prime}} = 1$
, the dual pairing between
is given by

This assignment is extended continuously for general
$B \in S_{p^{\prime}}(L_2(X))$
. We refer to [Reference Lafforgue and de la Salle17] Section 1.2] for more details.
$\phi \in L_\infty (X^{\times n+1})$
, the associated Schur multiplier is the multilinear map
$S_2(L_2(X))\times \ldots \times S_2(L_2(X)) \to S_2(L_2(X))$
determined by

It follows by Cauchy–Schwarz and a straightforward calculation that
does indeed take values in
(see, for instance, [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6]). Now let
$1\leq p,p_1,\ldots, p_n \leq \infty$
, with
$p^{-1}=\sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. Restrict
in the
-th input to
$S_2(L_2(X)) \cap S_{p_i}(L_2(X))$
. Assume that this restriction maps to
and has a bounded extension to
$S_{p_1}(L_2(X)) \times \ldots \times S_{p_n}(L_2(X))$
. Then we say that
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Schur multiplier. Its extension is again denoted by
. If
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-multiplicatively bounded, then we say that
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Schur multiplier.
The following theorem is [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Theorem 2.2]; see also [Reference Lafforgue and de la Salle17, Theorem 1.19] and [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Theorem 3.1]. It will be the starting point for the proof of Theorem4.1.
Theorem 2.2.
be a Radon measure on a locally compact space
$\phi \,:\, X^{n+1} \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
a continuous function. Let
$K\gt 0$
. The following are equivalent for
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n, p \leq \infty$
$\phi$ defines a bounded Schur multiplier
$S_{p_1}(L_2(X)) \times \ldots \times S_{p_n}(L_2(X)) \to S_p(L_2(X))$ with norm less than
$K$ .
(ii) For every
$\sigma$ -finite measurable subset
$X_0$ in
$X$ ,
$\phi$ restricts to a bounded Schur multiplier
$S_{p_1}(L_2(X_0)) \times \ldots \times S_{p_n}(L_2(X_0)) \to S_p(L_2(X_0))$ with norm less than
$K$ .
(iii) For any finite subset
$F = \{s_1, \dots, s_N\} \subset X$ belonging to the support of
$\mu$ , the symbol
$\phi |_{F^{\times (n+1)}}$ defines a bounded Schur multiplier
$S_{p_1}(\ell _2(F)) \times \ldots \times S_{p_2}(\ell _2(F)) \to S_p(\ell _2(F))$ with norm less than
$K$ .
The same equivalence is true for the
$(p_1, \ldots, p_n)-mb$
Now let
again be a locally compact group. In general, one has
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G) \cap S_p(L_2(G)) = \{0\}$
, so we cannot directly link Fourier and Schur multipliers as in the case
$p = \infty$
. In Section 5, we will use the following trick from [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3] to circumvent this difficulty. Let
$F \subseteq G$
be a relatively compact Borel subset of
with positive measure and
$P_F\,:\, L_2(G) \to L_2(F)$
$f \mapsto 1_F f$
the orthogonal projection. Then for
$x \in L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, one can formally define the operator
$P_F x P_F$
, which lies in
. We refer to [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Proposition 3.3, Theorem5.1] for details.
$F \subseteq G$
compact. We calculate the kernel of
$P_F \Delta ^a \lambda (f) \Delta ^b P_F$
: for
$g \in C_c(G)$
$s \in G$
, we have

Hence the kernel of
$P_F \Delta ^a \lambda (f) \Delta ^b P_F$
is given by

3. The definition of multilinear Fourier multipliers for non-unimodular groups
In this section,
is an arbitrary locally compact group. Let
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n, p \leq \infty$
$p^{-1} = \sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
. In this section, we explore what a suitable definition for the Fourier multiplier
$T_\phi \,:\, L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots L_{p_n}(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
might be. Our first requirement is that it must coincide with the linear definition for
; that is, it must satisfy (2.8).
Second, we would like the definition to be compatible with interpolation arguments. More precisely, if
is bounded as a map
$\mathcal{L} G \times \ldots \times \mathcal{L} G \to \mathcal{L} G$
and as a map
$L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots \times L_{p_n}(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, then it should also be bounded as map
$L_{\frac{p_1}\nu }(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots \times L_{\frac{p_n}\nu }(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_{\frac{p}\nu }(\mathcal{L} G)$
for all
$0 \lt \nu \lt 1$
. This means that the definition must be ‘compatible’ with the definition on
$(\mathcal{L} G)^{\times n}$
, in the sense that in each input, the maps
must coincide on the intersection space of some compatible couple (with respect to some
). This tells us what the Fourier multiplier should look like on the dense subsets
${\kappa }_{p_i}^\theta (L)$
Definition 3.1 (‘Wrong definition’). Let
$\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n, \theta \in [0,1]$
$x_i ={\kappa }_{p_i}^{\theta _i}(\lambda (f_i))$
$i = 1, \dots, n$
, where
$f_i \in C_c(G) * C_c(G)$
. We set

Definition 3.1 might seem reasonable at first glance; it coincides with the linear definition for
, and it is the only option if we want interpolation results. However, there are several problems with Definition 3.1. First, the definition depends on the choice of embeddings, which is not an issue in the linear case. Second, there are several properties of multilinear Fourier multipliers on unimodular groups, which do not carry over. This includes, for instance, [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.3 and Lemma 4.4], which are crucial in the proof of the transference from Fourier to Schur multipliers. Moreover, if we want to prove an approximate intertwining property as in (5.1), Corollary 5.5 tells us that the definition of the Fourier multiplier has to ‘preserve products of linear multipliers’, in the sense that

$\phi (s_1, \dots, s_n) = \phi _1(s_1) \ldots \phi _n(s_n)$
. Definition 3.1 does not do this. This means that there is essentially no hope of proving the transference from Schur to Fourier multipliers either.
The above requirement on the preservation of products leads us to consider instead the following definition. Let
$\theta _i \in [0,1]$
and set
$a_i = \frac{1-\theta _i}{p_i}$
$b_i = \frac{\theta _i}{p_i}$
so that
${\kappa }_{p_i}^{\theta _i}(x) = \Delta ^{a_i} x \Delta ^{b_i}$
. Now for
$f_i \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
, we formally define the Fourier multiplier corresponding to
$\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n$

A priori, it is not clear how to define the integral in (3.2). After all, the integrand

is a function that has unbounded operators as values. However, on closer inspection, the ‘unbounded part’ of this operator doesn’t really depend on the integration variables. Indeed, using the commutation formula (2.3), we can write

Note here that the functions
$\Delta ^{\beta _i} f_i$
are still in
$C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
by (2.5). Hence, a more rigorous way to define the Fourier multiplier is

However, we will keep the notation from (3.2). The integral is justified through the above arguments. The latter expression also makes clear that (3.2) takes values in the space of closed densely defined
-homogeneous operators on
(see [Reference Terp25, III.(19) and Corollary III.34]). Just as in the linear case, it is not clear that (3.2) takes values in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
in general; this will be part of the assumptions.
It turns out that the operator
$T_{\phi, (\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n)}$
in (3.2) does not depend on the choice of
$\theta _i$
Proposition 3.2.
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n, p \lt \infty$
$\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n \in [0,1]$
. The maps
$T_{\phi, (\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n)}$
$T_{\phi, (0,\dots, 0)}$
coincide on the space
${\kappa }^0_{p_1}(L) \times \ldots \times{\kappa }^0_{p_n}(L)$
. Consequently, if one of the maps has an image in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
and extends continuously to
$L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots \times L_{p_n}(\mathcal{L} G)$
, then the other does as well, and these extensions are equal.
Proof. Recall that by (2.6),
${\kappa }_{p_i}^{\theta _i}(L) ={\kappa }_{p_i}^0(L)$
$i = 1 \dots, n$
. For any such
, take
$a_i, b_i$
as above, that is, so that
${\kappa }_{p_i}^\theta (x) = \Delta ^{a_i} x \Delta ^{b_i}$
. Let
$f_i \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
and set
$g_i = \Delta ^{-b_i} f_i$
. Then by (2.4),
$\Delta ^{a_i} \lambda (f_i) \Delta ^{b_i} = \Delta ^{1/p_1} \lambda (g_i) \,=\!:\, x_i$
, that is,
${\kappa }_{p_i}^{\theta _i}(\lambda (f_i)) ={\kappa }_{p_i}^0(\lambda (g_i))$
. By (2.3), we find

With this issue out of the way, we can now define Fourier multipliers independent of the choice of
$\theta _i$
Definition 3.3 (‘Correct definition’). Let
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n, p \leq \infty$
$p^{-1} = \sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. Also let
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
. For
$i = 1, \dots, n$
, take any
$a_i, b_i \in [0,1]$
such that
$a_i + b_i = p_i^{-1}$
. If the map

which is given for
$x_i = \Delta ^{a_i} \lambda (f_i) \Delta ^{b_i}$
$f_i \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$

takes values in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
and extends boundedly to
$L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots \times L_{p_n}(\mathcal{L} G)$
in the norm topology (in case
$p_i = \infty$
for some
, we use the space
$C_\lambda ^*(G)$
instead of
$L_\infty (\mathcal{L} G) = \mathcal{L} G$
in the
’th leg), then we say that
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier. We denote the extension by
$T_{\phi }^{p_1, \dots, p_n}$
when we wish to emphasise the domain of the operator. This is especially useful when writing an operator norm since writing out the full domain and codomain generally makes equations too long. If
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-multiplicatively bounded, then we say that
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier.
Clearly, for
, Definition 3.3 reduces to (2.8). It does not give the problems that Definition 3.1 does; as we saw already, it does not depend on the choice of embeddings. Moreover, the properties [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.3 and 4.4] do carry over, as we show in Lemmas 3.6 and 3.8. Finally, it preserves products in the following more general way: if
is such that there exist
$m \lt n$
$\phi _1\,:\, G^{\times m} \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
$\phi _2\,:\, G^{\times n-m} \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
such that


However, we have to give up interpolation results in general. The only instances where interpolation might work is when the
-spaces ‘in the middle’ are all equal to
$C_\lambda ^*(G)$
. Indeed, in that case, we can take
$\theta _1 = 0$
$\theta _n = 1$
$\theta = \frac{p}{p_n}$
so that the Fourier multiplier
from Definition 3.3 also satisfies (3.1). We note that for
$n \gt 2$
$p_i \lt \infty$
for some
$2 \leq i \leq n-1$
, (3.3) is not of the form (3.1) for any
$\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n, \theta$
, and hence
cannot be a compatible morphism for any ‘usual’ compatible couple structures on
$(\mathcal{L} G, L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G))_{\theta _i}$
Remark 3.4.
Although (
) is a necessary condition for the Fourier multiplier to allow interpolation, we have not been able to prove that it is a sufficient condition. The issue is that to prove that the mapping for
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
is compatible with the one for
$(\infty, \dots, \infty )$
, we have to prove that they coincide on the entire intersection space
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G) \cap \mathcal{L} G$
(within the appropriate compatible couple structure). However, we do not know whether
is dense in this space in the intersection norm. In fact, for
$p \gt 2$
, we do not even know if
$\mathcal{T}_\varphi ^2$
is dense in the intersection norm.
Remark 3.5.
We could have just taken (the extension of) the map
$T_\phi ^{\frac 12, \dots, \frac 12}$
as the definition of our Fourier multiplier. This would have allowed us to skip Proposition 3.2, and all the proofs further on in this paper would still work by approximating only with elements in the central embedding. However, the more general definition allows some flexibility to choose convenient embeddings for notation or to avoid some technicalities (in particular in Lemma 3.6).
Let us now prove some properties of the multilinear Fourier multiplier for later use. Lemmas 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are used in the proof of Theorem4.1. Here, Lemma 3.6 generalises [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.3], and Lemma 3.8 generalises [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.4]. Since the proofs of these two lemmas require careful bookkeeping with modular functions, we will give the full details. The proof of [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.4] was omitted, but it is not that trivial; our argument fills that gap.
Lemma 3.6.
$1 \leq p_j, p \leq \infty$
and fix some
$1 \leq i \leq n$
. Suppose that
$\phi \,:\, G^{\times n} \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
is bounded and measurable and set for
$r,t,r^{\prime} \in G$

defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier (resp.
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier) iff
$\bar{\phi }({\cdot}; r,t,r^{\prime})$
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier (resp.
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier). In that case, for
$x_j \in L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$

Further, we have

$(r,t,r^{\prime}) \mapsto T_{\bar{\phi }({\cdot}; r,t,r^{\prime})}$
is strongly continuous. In the multiplicatively bounded case, we have for any
$N \geq 1$

as maps
$S_{p_1}^N[L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G)] \times \ldots \times S_{p_n}^N[L_{p_n}(\mathcal{L} G)] \to S_p^N[L_p(\mathcal{L} G)]$
, and
$(r,t,r^{\prime}) \mapsto T_{\bar{\phi }({\cdot}; r,t,r^{\prime})}^{(N)}$
is strongly continuous.
Proof. It is straightforward to check that for
$s \in G$
$f \in C_c(G)$
, we have
$\lambda _s\lambda (f) = \lambda (\lambda _s(f)) = \lambda (f(s^{-1} {\cdot}))$
; moreover, we have

We will only make a choice for some of the embeddings and leave the rest open; this is notationally more convenient. Let
$x_j = \Delta ^{a_j} \lambda (f_j) \Delta ^{b_j} \in L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$
, with
$f_j \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
$a_1=b_i = a_{i+1} = b_n = 0$
$b_1 = \frac 1{p_1}, a_i = \frac 1{p_i}$
, etc). We compute


By (3.6), we can write

and similarly

Combining everything together, we conclude

By (2.1), we have

Hence, on the dense subsets of elements
as above, we have
$\|T_{\widetilde{\phi }({\cdot} ;r,t,r^{\prime})}\| \leq \|T_{\phi }\|$
. If we set
$\psi = \tilde{\phi }({\cdot}; r,t,r^{\prime})$
, then
$\tilde{\psi }({\cdot}; r^{-1}, t^{-1}, (r^{\prime})^{-1}) = \phi$
. Hence, applying the above result to
$\tilde{\psi }({\cdot}; r^{-1}, t^{-1}, (r^{\prime})^{-1})$
yields the reverse inequality. By density, we conclude that the first three statements of the lemma hold. By [Reference Junge and Sherman15, Lemma 2.3], the (left or right) multiplication with
$\lambda _s$
$s \in G$
is strongly continuous in
. This implies the strong continuity of
$(r,t,r^{\prime}) \mapsto T_{\tilde{\phi }({\cdot};r,t,r^{\prime})}$
Now assume
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier and let
$N \geq 1$
. Denote by
$\iota _N$
$N \times N$
-identity matrix. Then by writing out the definitions and using (3.5), we find, for
$x_i \in S_{p_i}^N \otimes L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G)$

Hence, by a complete/matrix amplified version of the above arguments, we deduce the last two statements.
Lemma 3.7.
$1 \leq p_j, p \leq \infty$
and fix some
$1 \leq i \leq n$
. Suppose that
$\phi \,:\, G^{\times n} \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier and
$\phi _i\,:\, G \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
defines a
-Fourier multiplier. Set

$\bar{\phi }$
defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier and for
$x_j \in L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$

In particular,

Proof. For
$x_j \in{\kappa }_{p_j}^0(L)$
(or any other embedding), it follows directly from writing out the definitions that (3.7) holds (cf. (2.8)). By density, (3.7) holds for general
$x_j \in L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$
, which implies (3.8), so
$T_{\bar{\phi }}^{p_1, \dots, p_n}$
is bounded.
Lemma 3.8.
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n \leq \infty$
. Let
$q_j^{-1} = \sum _{i=j}^n p_i^{-1}$
and suppose that
$\phi _j\,:\, G \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
defines a
-Fourier multiplier for
$1 \leq j \leq n$
. Set

$\bar{\phi }$
defines a
$(p_1, \dots p_n)$
-Fourier multiplier, and for
$x_i \in L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G)$
, we have

Proof. We first show (3.9) on the dense subset
${\kappa }^0_{p_i}(L) \times \ldots \times{\kappa }^0_{p_n}(L)$
. The lemma then follows from the boundedness of the
$T_{\phi _i}$
together with Hölder’s inequality.
We make the slightly stronger claim that for any
$\phi _2, \dots, \phi _n$
as in the assumptions and any
$x_i \in{\kappa }^0_{p_i}(L)$
, there exists a compactly supported function
$g\,:\, G \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
such that for all
$\phi _1$
as in the assumptions,

We will prove (3.10) with induction on
. We will need this intermediate step in order to expand the outer Fourier multiplier in the right-hand side of (3.9).
The case
follows directly from (2.8). Now assume that (3.10) holds for any choice of
$\phi _1, \dots, \phi _{n-1}$
as above and
$x_1, \dots, x_{n-1}$
$x_i \in{\kappa }^0_{p^{\prime}_i}(L)$
. Fix functions
$\phi _1, \dots, \phi _n$
as in the assumptions and
$x_1, \dots, x_n$
so that
$x_i = \Delta ^{\frac 1{p_i}} \lambda (f_i)$
$f_i \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
. Take
compactly supported such that for any
$\psi \,:\, G \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
defining a
-Fourier multiplier,

$\bar{\psi }(s_2, \dots, s_n) = \psi (s_2 \ldots s_n) \phi _3(s_3\ldots s_n) \ldots \phi _n(s_n)$
. We calculate

This shows the second equality from (3.10). Continuing the previous equation,

Applying (3.11) again but now with
$\phi _1(s_1 {\cdot}) \phi _2$
in place of
, we get

Finally, we calculate a convenient form for the kernel of a corner of the Fourier multiplier for use in Theorem 5.1.
Lemma 3.9.
$F \subseteq G$
compact and
$x_i = \Delta ^{a_i} \lambda (f_i) \Delta ^{b_i} \in L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G)$
as above for
$f_i \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
. Then the kernel of
$P_F T_\phi (x_1, \dots, x_n) P_F$
is given by

Proof. Let
$g \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
$t_0 \in G$
. Then the function
$P_F T_\phi ^{\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n}(x_1, \dots, x_n) P_F g$
is given by

It follows that the kernel has the required form.
4. Fourier to Schur transference
be a locally compact first countable group. In this section, we prove the transference from Fourier to Schur multipliers for such groups. An important ingredient will be the following ‘split’ coordinate-wise convolution: fix functions
$\varphi _k \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G) \subseteq A(G)$
such that
$\|\varphi _k\|_1 = 1$
and the supports of
$\varphi _k$
form a decreasing neighbourhood basis of
. In other words,
$(\varphi _k)$
is an approximate unit for the Banach
. Note that we use the first countability of
here. Now, given a bounded function
$\phi \,:\, G^{\times n} \to{\mathrm{\mathbb{C}}}$
and some fixed
$1 \leq i \leq n$
, we define


The last term of (4.1) in combination with Lemma 3.8 will allow us to reduce the problem to the linear case. The necessity of the ‘split’ between indices
will be explained later.
Theorem 4.1.
be a locally compact first countable group, and let
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
$1\lt p_1, \ldots, p_{n-1} \leq \infty$
be such that
$p^{-1} = \sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. Let
$\phi \in C_b(G^{\times n})$
and define
$\widetilde{\phi } \in C_b(G^{\times n + 1})$

is defines a
$(p_1, \ldots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier
, then
$\widetilde{\phi }$
defines a
$(p_1, \ldots, p_n)$
-mb Schur multiplier
$M_{\widetilde{\phi }}$
. Moreover,

Proof. Let
$F \subseteq G$
finite with
$|F| = N$
. By Theorem 2.2, it suffices to show that the norm of

and its matrix amplifications are bounded.
$s \in F$
, let
$p_s \in B(\ell _2(F))$
be the orthogonal projection onto the span of
$\delta _s$
. Define the unitary
$U = \sum _{s \in F} p_s \otimes \lambda _s \in B(\ell _2(F)) \otimes \mathcal{L} G$
. In the case
$p = \infty$
, the Fourier to Schur transference is proven through the transference identity

The idea is to do something similar in the case
$p \lt \infty$
. However, the unit does not embed in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, so we need to use some approximation of the unit instead. We construct this as follows: let
$\mathcal{V} = (V_i)_{i \in{\operatorname{\mathbb{N}}}}$
be a decreasing symmetric neighbourhood basis of the identity (this is possible because
is first countable). For
$V \in \mathcal{V}$
, we define the operator

which is proven to be self-adjoint in [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Section 8.3]. Let
$k_V = u_V h_V$
be its polar decomposition. Then we have
$h_V^{2/p} \in L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, and by (2.2),
$\|h_V^{2/p}\|_p = 1$
. Now for any
$V \in \mathcal{V}$
, we have, by (2.7),

Next, fix an
$i \in \{1, \dots, n\}$
such that
$\bar{p}_1 \,:\!=\, \left (\sum _{l=1}^i p_l^{-1}\right )^{-1} \gt 1$
$\bar{p}_2 \,:\!=\, \left (\sum _{l=i+1}^n p_l^{-1}\right )^{-1} \gt 1$
. This is possible by our assumption that
$p_1, \dots, p_n \gt 1$
. We now define the functions
$\phi _{t_1, \dots, t_n}$
$\phi _k$
as in (4.1) for the chosen
The condition
$\bar{p}_1, \bar{p}_2 \gt 1$
is necessary for the use of Proposition 4.3 at the end of the proof of Lemma 4.2; this also explains why we need the ‘split’ in the pointwise convolutions. If
$p\gt 1$
, then one can take
in which case the proof of Lemma 4.2 simplifies somewhat. Note that in [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5] and [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6], the convolutions were defined for
$i = n-1$
. In the latter paper, this creates a problem in case
$p_n = \infty, p = 1$
; this problem is resolved by splitting instead at some
chosen as above.
$a_1, \ldots, a_n \in B(\ell _2(F))$
. By continuity of
, we have that
$\phi _k \to \phi$
pointwise. Indeed, for
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, we can take
such that for
$t_1, \dots, t_n \in \mathrm{supp} \varphi _K$
$|\phi _{t_1, \dots, t_n}(s_1, \dots, s_n) - \phi (s_1, \dots, s_n)| \lt \varepsilon$
. Then for
$k \gt K$
, we get
$|\phi _k(s_1, \dots, s_n) - \phi (s_1, \dots, s_n)| \lt \varepsilon$
. Since we are working in finite dimensions, this implies

. Together with (4.2), we find

First, we have

By repeated use of Lemma 3.6 (in particular, we can use Fubini because of the strong continuity property) we find

and hence

It remains to show that
$B = 0$
. By the triangle inequality, it suffices to show this for
$a_i = E_{r_{i-1}, r_i}$
$r_0, \dots, r_n \in F$
(for other combinations of matrix units, the term below becomes 0). In that case we get, by applying Lemma 3.6 in the second equality:


The limit over
exists and is 0; we postpone the proof to Lemma 4.2 below.
For the multiplicatively bounded estimate, we prove using similar methods that for
$K \geq 1$
$a_1, \dots, a_n \in M_K(B(\ell _2(F)))$

Here, we use
$1_{M_K} \otimes U$
in place of
. Moreover, by the triangle inequality, it suffices to prove the estimate for
$a_i = E_{j_{i-1},j_i} \otimes E_{r_{i-1},r_i}$
, with
$1 \leq j_i \leq K$
$r_i \in F$
; the expression for
then reduces to (4.3) again.
The following Lemma is similar to [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.6]. In our case, we have
$x_j = 1$
, which allows us to avoid the SAIN condition used in that paper; on the other hand, we work with translated functions, and our result works for non-unimodular groups. Already in [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Theorem 3.1], it was explained how to adapt the proof of [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Lemma 4.6] for the translated functions. However, this paper only considered unimodular groups. Here, we spell out the full proof for the convenience of the reader.
Lemma 4.2. In the proof of Theorem 4.1 , we have that

The main idea is to reduce the problem to the linear case using (4.1) and apply the following result for linear Fourier multipliers:
Proposition 4.3.
be a symmetric neighbourhood basis of the identity of
. Let
$2 \leq q \lt p \leq \infty$
$1 \leq p \lt q \leq 2$
. Assume
$\psi \in C_b(G)$
defines a Fourier multiplier on
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
. Then we have

The proof of Proposition 4.3 is essentially a matter of combining results and remarks from [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Proposition 3.9] and [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Claim B and Section 8] and applying Haagerup reduction to [Reference Conde-Alonso, Parcet and Ricard9, Lemma 3.1] to generalise that estimate to general von Neumann algebras. We give more details in Section 6.
Proof of Lemma 4.2. The idea is to use a dominated convergence argument in the last expression of (4.1). However, the functions
$\phi _k$
need not be integrable. We work around this by multiplying with compactly supported functions that are close to 1 around
so that as
$V \in \mathcal{V}$
decreases to
, we are just ‘multiplying by 1’ in the limit. Define a function
$\zeta \in C_c(G) \cap A(G)$
$\zeta (e) = 1$
, which is positive definite and (therefore) satisfies
$\|T_{\zeta }\,:\, L_p(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_p(\mathcal{L} G)\| \leq 1$
for all
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
. Next let

We define a product function as follows:


$\phi ((\zeta _1, \dots, \zeta _n))_k$
is defined again by (4.1) for the same
. We will estimate these terms separately. We start by showing that
$\lim _k \limsup _{V \in \mathcal{V}} A_{k,V}$
$\lim _k \limsup _{V \in \mathcal{V}} C_{k,V}$
are 0, essentially reducing the problem to the integrable functions
$\phi (\zeta _1, \dots, \zeta _n)$
. We then apply the idea mentioned above to show that
$\lim _{V \in \mathcal{V}} B_{k,V} = 0$
for any
First, since
$\psi _k \to \psi$
pointwise for any
$\psi \in C_b(G)^{\times n}$
, we have

Next, we estimate the limit in
$\limsup _{V \in \mathcal{V}} C_{k,V}$
. Set
$u_j = t_j^{-1} r_{j-1}$
$v_j = t_j r_j$


Thanks to the strong continuity statement of Lemma 3.6, we can use Fubini to deduce

Now set

$\iota _q$
for the identity operator on
$L_q(\mathcal{L} G)$
. The symbol
is used both for the constant 1-function and the number 1. Then we get the following estimate, where we apply Lemma 3.6 and (2.1) in the first line and Lemma 3.7 and the assumption that
is a contraction in the third line:

By (2.1), we have
$\|y_{j,V}\|_{p_j} = 1$
. Further, by applying again Lemma 3.6 and Proposition 4.3,

$1 \leq j \leq i-1$
. Filling in the definition of
$\zeta _j$

and this equals 0 when evaluated at
$t_j, t_{j+1} = e$
. Similarly, we find for
$i \leq j \leq n$
$\lim _{V \in \mathcal{V}} \|(T_{\zeta _j} - \iota )(y_{j,V})\|_{L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)}$
exists and equals 0 when evaluated at the identity in the corresponding
$t_1, \dots, t_n$
. Moreover, all these values are bounded by 2. Going back to (4.4), let us write
$M\,:\!=\,\|T_{\phi }\,:\, L_{p_1} \times \ldots \times L_{p_n} \to L_p\|$
. We find

The integrand of (4.6) is bounded by the integrable function
$2M\prod _{i=1}^n |\varphi _k(t_j)|$
. Hence, by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, the right-hand side of (4.6) converges in
. We find that

This quantity goes to 0 in
. This concludes the proof for
Finally, we prove that
$\lim _{V \in \mathcal{V}} B_{k,V} = 0$
for any
. We fix a
for the remainder of the proof. Recall that since
$\varphi _k \in A(G)$
$T_{\varphi _k}$
is bounded on
$L_q(\mathcal{L} G)$
for any
$1 \leq q \leq \infty$
. Moreover, since
$\varphi _k \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
, we also have
$\varphi _k \Delta \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G) \subseteq A(G)$
(cf. the calculation before (2.6)), hence
$T_{\varphi _k \Delta }$
is also bounded on
$L_q(\mathcal{L} G)$
for any
We may assume, by scaling
$\varphi _k$
if necessary, that
$T_{\varphi _k}\,:\, L_q(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_q(\mathcal{L} G)$
$T_{\varphi _k \Delta }\,:\, L_q(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_q(\mathcal{L} G)$
are contractions for any Hölder combination
$p_1, \dots, p_n$
. Of course, this means that
$\|\varphi _k\|_1$
need no longer be
from now on. Set

By using the last term of (4.1) and Fubini, we get

Note that
$|\varphi _k| \leq 1$
by the assumed contractivity of
$T_{\varphi _k}$
. Indeed, for
$s \in G$
, apply
$T_{\varphi _k}$
$\lambda _s$
to deduce that
$|\varphi _k(s)| \leq 1$
. Hence,
$|\psi _k(1, \dots, 1; t_1, \dots, t_n)| \leq \prod _{j=i+1}^n \Delta (r_ir_j^{-1})$
. Moreover, from the expression (4.9) below, we see that
$\|T_{\psi _k({\cdot}; t_1, \dots, t_n)}(h_V^{\frac 2{p_1}}, \ldots, h_V^{\frac 2{p_n}})\|_{L_p(\mathcal{L} G)} \leq \Delta ((t_{i+1}, \dots, t_n)^{-1})$
. Since
$\phi (\zeta _1, \dots, \zeta _n)$
is compactly supported, the integrand of (4.7) is dominated by an integrable function. Hence by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, it suffices to show that the term

goes to 0 in
for any choice of
$t_1, \dots, t_n \in G$
$t_1, \dots, t_n \in G$
. For
$1 \leq j \leq i$
, set
$q_j^{-1} = \sum _{l=j}^{i} p_l^{-1}$
$q_1 = \bar{p}_1$
) and
$T_j = T_{\varphi _k(r_{j-1} {\cdot} r_{i}^{-1} t_j)}$
. By Lemma 3.6,
is a contraction on
$L_{q_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$
. For
$i+1 \leq j \leq n$
, set
$q_j^{-1} = \sum _{l=j}^n p_l^{-1}$
$q_{i+1} = \bar{p}_2$
) and
$T_j = T_{\varphi _k(t_j r_i{\cdot} r_j^{-1}) \Delta (r_i {\cdot} r_j^{-1})}$
. We can estimate the norm of
$T_j: L_{q_j}(\mathcal{L} G) \to L_{q_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$
by using again Lemma 3.6:

Now, by Lemma 3.8, we have

$T_{\psi _k^1(\cdot ; t_1, \dots, t_i)}$
is contractive as a map on
$L_{p_1}(\mathcal{L} G) \times \ldots \times L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G)$
. Let
$x_j \in L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)$
$\|x_j\|_{L_{p_j}(\mathcal{L} G)} \leq 1$
; then, from (3.4),

This validates the use of the dominated convergence theorem above. Now we go back to estimating (4.8). Using subsequently the triangle inequality and Hölder’s inequality (with again [3.4]), we find

We show only that
$\lim _{V \in \mathcal{V}} B_{k,V}^2 = 0$
; the equality
$\lim _{V \in \mathcal{V}} B_{k,V}^1 = 0$
follows similarly and is in fact slightly easier since the
are contractions for
$j \leq i$
. Now set, for
$i \leq j \leq n$

$R_{i,V} = \prod _{l=i+1}^{n-1} \varphi _k(t_l r_i r_l^{-1}) h_V^{\frac 2{q_1}}$
. Then

Recall that
$|\varphi _k| \leq 1$
. Hence

We know that
$q_j \gt \bar{p}_2 \gt 1$
for any
$i+1 \leq j \leq n$
. Additionally,
is bounded on
$\mathcal{L} G$
$L_1(\mathcal{L} G)$
. By Proposition 4.3, the above terms converge to 0 in
. Hence,
$\lim _{V \in \mathcal{V}} B_{k,V}^2 = 0$
. This finishes the proof.
Remark 4.4.
As in the unimodular case (see [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6
, Remark 3.3]) we do not know if Theorem
holds if
$p = p_i = 1$
for some
$1 \leq i \leq n$
$p_j = \infty$
for all
$j \neq i$
). The proof above fails in that case because we cannot apply Proposition 4.3.
5. Schur to Fourier transference for amenable groups
In this section, we extend [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Proof of Theorem 4.1], that is, the transference from Schur multipliers to Fourier multipliers for amenable groups, to the non-unimodular setting. The proof is essentially the same but with extra technicalities due to the modular function. We also fixed a small mistake in the proof, as will be mentioned at the relevant spot.
Recall [Reference Paterson19, Theorem 4.10] that
is amenable iff it satisfies the following Følner condition: for any
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
and any compact set
$K\subseteq G$
, there exists a compact set
$F \subseteq G$
with nonzero measure such that
$\frac{\mu ((sF \setminus F) \cup (F \setminus sF))}{\mu (F)} \lt \varepsilon$
for all
$s\in K$
. This allows us to construct a net
$F_{(\varepsilon, K)}$
of such Følner sets using the ordering
$( \varepsilon _1, K_1) \leq (\varepsilon _2,K_2)$
$\varepsilon _1 \geq \varepsilon _2, K_1 \subseteq K_2$
Theorem 5.1.
be a locally compact, amenable group and let
$1\leq p,p^{\prime},p_1,\ldots, p_n \leq \infty$
be such that
$\frac 1p=\sum _{i=1}^n \frac 1{p_i} = 1 - \frac 1{p^{\prime}}$
. Let
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
and define
$\widetilde{\phi } \in L_\infty (G^{\times n + 1})$

Assume that
$\widetilde{\phi }$
defines a
$(p_1,\ldots, p_n)$
-Schur multiplier of
. Then there is a net
, and there are complete contractions
$i_{q,\alpha }\,:\, L_q(\mathcal{L} G) \to S_q(L_2(G))$
$\alpha \in I$
, such that for all
$f_i,f \in C_c(G)\star C_c(G)$

$x_i = \Delta ^{a_i}\lambda (f_i)\Delta ^{b_i} \in L^{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G),\ y = \Delta ^a \lambda (f) \Delta ^b \in L^{p^{\prime}}(\mathcal{L} G)$
$a_i + b_i = \frac 1{p_i}$
). In a similar way, the matrix amplifications of
$i_{q,\alpha }$
approximately intertwine the multiplicative amplifications of the Fourier and Schur multipliers.
Proof. Let
$F_\alpha, \alpha \in I$
be a Følner net for
, where
is the index set consisting of pairs
$(\varepsilon, K)$
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
$K \subseteq G$
compact and the ordering as described above.
$P_\alpha =P_{F_\alpha }$
be the projection of
$L_2(F_\alpha )$
. Consider the maps
$i_{p,\alpha }\,:\, L_p(\mathcal{L} G)\to S_p(L_2(G))$
defined by
$i_{p,\alpha }(x) = \mu (F_\alpha )^{-1/p} P_{\alpha }x P_{\alpha }$
. They are contractions by [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Theorem5.1]. By replacing
$G \times SU(2)$
, one proves that they are in fact complete contractions (see also the last paragraph of [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Proof of Theorem 5.2]).
Now fix
. From (2.10), we deduce

From Lemma 3.9, we have a similar expression for the kernel of
$i_{p,\alpha }(T_\phi (x_1, \dots, x_n))$

Now we need to take the pairing of these kernels with
$i_{p^{\prime},\alpha }(y)$
and calculate their difference. To that end, we define the following function

and the function
$\Psi _{\alpha }$

Note that in [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6], the indicator function was mistakenly taken over
$F_\alpha \times (F_\alpha ^c)^{\times n-1} \times F_{\alpha }$
instead. This correction leads to an extra term
in the choice of the lower bound of
at the end. Also note that a priori, it is not clear that
$T_\phi (x_1, \dots, x_n)$
lies in
$L_p(\mathcal{L} G)$
, and hence it is not clear that
$i_{p,\alpha }(T_\phi (x_1, \dots, x_n))$
lies in
. However, both
$i_{p,\alpha }(T_\phi (x_1, \dots, x_n))$
$i_{p^{\prime},\alpha }(y)$
are given by integration against a kernel in
$L_2(G \times G)$
, so the pairing (2.9) is still well-defined as a pairing in
instead. Now we have

$K \subseteq G$
be some compact set such that
$\mathrm{supp}(f_j),\mathrm{supp}(f)\subseteq K$
$e \in K$
. Let
$t_0, \dots, t_n$
be such that both
$\Phi (t_0, \dots, t_n)$
$\Psi _\alpha (t_0, \dots, t_n)$
are nonzero. Since
$\Psi _\alpha (t_0, \dots, t_n)$
is nonzero, we must have
$t_0, t_n \in F_\alpha$
$t_i \notin F_\alpha$
for some
$i \in \{1, \dots, n-1\}$
. Since
$\Phi (t_0, \dots, t_n)$
is nonzero, there are
$k_1,\ldots, k_n \in K$
such that
$t_{n-1} = k_n t_n,\ t_{n-2} = k_{n-1}k_n t_n,\ \ldots, \ t_0 = k_1 \ldots k_n t_n$
. Hence we find

We want to apply a change of variables in (5.2). Let us first look at a simple case: assume
$g \in L_1(G \times G)$
is such that
$g(s,t) \neq 0$
only when
$st^{-1} \in K$
. Then

where we renamed the variable
in the last line. Applying the above formula twice for a function
$g \in L_1(G^{\times 3})$
such that
$g(r,s,t) \neq 0$
only when
$rs^{-1} \in K$
$st^{-1} \in K$
, we get

Carrying on like this, we obtain

Note that
$a + b + \sum _{i=1}^n a_i + b_i = 1$
, hence

Here the constant
can be chosen to be dependent only on
Applying (5.2), (5.4), (5.5) and (5.3) consecutively, we get

Using the ordering described earlier, if the index
$\alpha \geq (\varepsilon \times \left (Mn \mu _G(K)^n\right )^{-1}, K^{1-n})$
, then the Følner condition implies that (5.6) is less than
, and hence the limit (5.1) holds.
From (5.1), it follows from writing out the definitions that the matrix amplifications of
$i_{p,\alpha }$
also approximately intertwine the multiplicative amplifications of the Fourier and Schur multipliers; that is, for
$\beta _i \in S_{p_i}^N, \beta \in S_{p^{\prime}}^{N}$
, we have

Corollary 5.2.
be an amenable locally compact group and
$1 \leq p, p_1, \dots, p_n \leq \infty$
be such that
$\frac 1p=\sum _{i=1}^n \frac 1{p_i}$
. Let
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
. If
$\widetilde{\phi }$
is the symbol of a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-bounded (resp. multiplicatively bounded) Schur multiplier then
is the symbol of a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-bounded (resp. multiplicatively bounded) Fourier multiplier. Moreover,

Proof. Let
be as in the hypotheses of Theorem5.1, and let
$i_{p,\alpha }$
be as in the proof of Theorem5.1. Let
be the Holder conjugate of
. In [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3, Theorem 5.2], it is proven that

Note that this inequality also holds and in fact is explicitly proven for
$p = \infty$
; by symmetry, it also holds for
. We remark that this result also uses the Følner condition.
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
. Then we can find
$y = \Delta ^{a} \lambda (f) \Delta ^b$
$f \in C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
such that
$\|y\|_{L_{p^{\prime}}(\mathcal{L} G)} \leq 1$

Next, by (5.8) and Theorem5.1, we can find
$\alpha \in I$
such that the following two inequalities hold:


By combining these inequalities, we find

The elements
as chosen above are norm dense in
$L_{p_i}(\mathcal{L} G)$
$C^*_\lambda (G)$
$p_i = \infty$
); hence, we get the required bound. The multiplicative bound follows similarly.
Remark 5.3. In [Reference Caspers and de la Salle3], [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6], the proof runs via an ultraproduct construction. The ultraproduct is not actually necessary as demonstrated above, as all limits are usual limits and not ultralimits.
We can now extend the result of [Reference Caspers, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Vos6, Corollary 4.3] to non-unimodular groups. It is also a multiplicatively bounded, non-unimodular version of [Reference Caspers, Janssens, Krishnaswamy-Usha and Miaskiwskyi5, Theorem 4.5]. Moreover, we no longer need the SAIN condition, and the subgroup no longer needs to be discrete.
Corollary 5.4.
be a locally compact, first countable group, and let
$1 \leq p \leq \infty$
$1 \lt p_1, \dots, p_n \leq \infty$
$p^{-1} = \sum _{i=1}^n p_i^{-1}$
. Let
$\phi \in C_b(G^{\times n})$
, which defines a
$(p_1, \dots, p_n)$
-mb Fourier multiplier, and let
$H \leq G$
be an amenable subgroup. Then

Proof. The associated inequality for Schur multipliers follows from Theorem2.2. Now Corollary 5.2 (using amenability of
) and Theorem4.1 yield the result.
In the next corollary, we prove a necessary condition for a ‘Fourier multiplier’ to satisfy (5.1) for the embeddings
$i_{p,\alpha }$
defined above. This was used in the discussion in Section 3.
Corollary 5.5.
$n \gt 1$
$1 \leq p_1, \dots, p_n, p, p^{\prime} \leq \infty$
such that
$\frac 1p = \sum _{i=1}^n \frac 1{p_i} = 1 - \frac 1{p^{\prime}}$
, and let
$\theta _1, \dots, \theta _n, \theta, \theta ^{\prime} \in [0,1]$
. Let
$i_{p,\alpha }$
be as in the proof of Theorem
. Assume that for each
$\phi \in L_\infty (G^{\times n})$
, we have a map
$S_\phi \,:\,{\kappa }^{\theta _1}_{p_i}(L) \times \ldots \times{\kappa }^{\theta _n}_{p_n}(L) \to{\kappa }^{\theta }_p(L)$

$x_i \in{\kappa }_{p_i}^{\theta _i}(L)$
$y \in{\kappa }_{p^{\prime}}^{\theta ^{\prime}}(L)$
. Now let
$\phi (s_1, \dots, s_n) = \phi _1(s_1)\ldots \phi _n(s_n)$
for some functions
$\phi _1, \dots, \phi _n \in L^\infty (G)$
. Then
must satisfy

$x_i \in{\kappa }^{\theta _i}_{p_i}(L)$
$i = 1, \dots, n$
Proof. Fix some
$y \in{\kappa }^{\theta ^{\prime}}_{p^{\prime}}(L)$
. By density, it suffices to show that

By (5.8), it suffices to show

By running the proof of Theorem5.1 with the constant 1 function in place of
$T_{\phi _i}(x_i)$
in place of
, we find that

Since multiplication with
$\phi _i$
only maps
$C_c(G) \star C_c(G)$
, we no longer need to have that
$T_{\phi _i}(x_i) \in{\kappa }_{p_i}^{\theta _i}(L)$
, so we cannot apply Theorem5.1 directly. But since we have
$\phi = 1$
, this does not give any technical complications in the proof.
Using the kernel representations, it is straightforward to show that

By combining the above observations with (5.9), we get the required result.
6. Linear intertwining result
In this section, we sketch the proof of Proposition 4.3. The main ingredient to be added to already existing results is the extension of [Reference Conde-Alonso, Parcet and Ricard9, Lemma 3.1] to general von Neumann algebras via Haagerup reduction. The Haagerup reduction method is described by Theorem6.1, proved for
-finite von Neumann algebras in [Reference Haagerup, Junge and Xu12] and extended to the weight case in [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Section 8]. We will assume that the reader is familiar with Tomita–Takesaki theory, conditional expectations and such. We refer to [Reference Takesaki24] for the background.
Denote by
$\sigma ^\varphi$
the modular automorphism group of a normal faithful semifinite (nfs) weight
. Recall that the centraliser
of a nfs weight
on a von Neumann algebra
is given by

Theorem 6.1.
$(\mathcal{M}, \varphi )$
be any von Neumann algebra equipped with a nfs weight. There is another von Neumann algebra
$({\mathcal{R}}, \widehat{\varphi })$
and with nfs weight
$\widehat{\varphi }$
and elements
in the center of the centraliser of
$\widehat{\varphi }$
such that the following properties hold:
1. There is a conditional expectation
${\mathcal{E}}\,:\,{\mathcal{R}} \to \mathcal{M}$ satisfying
\begin{equation*} \varphi \circ {\mathcal {E}} = \widehat {\varphi }, \qquad \sigma _s^{\varphi } \circ {\mathcal {E}} = {\mathcal {E}} \circ \sigma _s^{\widehat {\varphi }}, \quad s \in {\mathrm {\mathbb {R}}}.\end{equation*}
2. The centralisers
${\mathcal{R}}_n$ of the weights
$\varphi _n \,:\!=\, \varphi (e^{-a_n}{\cdot} )$ are semifinite for
$n \geq 1$ .
3. There are conditional expectations
${\mathcal{E}}_n\,:\,{\mathcal{R}} \to{\mathcal{R}}_n$ satisfying
\begin{equation*} \widehat {\varphi } \circ {\mathcal {E}}_n = \widehat {\varphi }, \qquad \sigma _s^{\widehat {\varphi }} \circ {\mathcal {E}}_n = {\mathcal {E}}_n \circ \sigma _s^{\widehat {\varphi }}, \quad s \in {\mathrm {\mathbb {R}}}\end{equation*}
${\mathcal{E}}_n(x) \to x$
$\sigma$ -strongly for
$x \in \mathfrak{n}_{\widehat \varphi }$ , and
$\bigcup _{n \geq 1}{\mathcal{R}}_n$ is
$\sigma$ -strongly dense in
$\mathcal{R}$ .
We denote by
the spatial derivative with respect to
(and some weight on the commutant, whose choice is unimportant). Assume that
$T\,:\, \mathcal{M} \to \mathcal{M}$
is unital completely positive (ucp) and satisfies
$\varphi \circ T \leq \varphi$
. Then by [Reference Haagerup, Junge and Xu12, Section 5],
‘extends’ to a map
, in the sense that
$T^{(p)}(D_\varphi ^{1/2p} x D_\varphi ^{1/2p}) = D_\varphi ^{1/2p} T(x) D_\varphi ^{1/2p}$
$x \in{\mathfrak{m}}_{\widehat \varphi }$
. If
$\sigma _s^\varphi \circ T = T \circ \sigma _s^\varphi$
, then we moreover have
$T^{(p)}(D_\varphi ^{\theta /p} x D_\varphi ^{(1-\theta )/p}) = D_\varphi ^{\theta /p} T(x) D_\varphi ^{(1-\theta )/p}$
for any
$0 \leq \theta \leq 1$
$x \in{\mathfrak{m}}_{\widehat \varphi }$
In particular, the conditional expectations
‘extend’ to maps
$L_p({\mathcal{R}}, \widehat{\varphi })$
$L_p(\mathcal{M}, \varphi )$
$L_p({\mathcal{R}}_n, \widehat{\varphi })$
. The following statement is [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Lemma 8.3]:

We need a few more facts; we refer to [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Section 8.2] for the details. First, there is an isometric isomorphism
${\kappa }_p\,:\, L_p({\mathcal{R}}_n, \widehat{\varphi }) \to L_p({\mathcal{R}}_n, \varphi _n)$
given by
${\kappa }_p(D_{\widehat{\varphi }}^{1/2p}xD_{\widehat \varphi }^{1/2p}) = e^{a_n/2p} x e^{a_n/2p}$
$x \in{\mathfrak{m}}_{\widehat \varphi }$
. Next, assume that
$T\,:\, \mathcal{M} \to \mathcal{M}$
is ucp and preserves
$\sigma _s^\varphi$
. Then by [Reference Haagerup, Junge and Xu12, Section 4], there exists an extension
$\widehat{T}\,:\,{\mathcal{R}} \to{\mathcal{R}}$
, which is also ucp and preserves
$\widehat{\varphi }$
$\sigma _s^{\widehat \varphi }$
. Hence
itself also ‘extends’ to the various noncommutative
-spaces. Moreover, the following diagram commutes:

Note that since
$\varphi _n$
is tracial on
, the
in the rightmost upwards arrow is actually an extension of the operator
, so we do not need to use the notation
Finally, for
$1 \leq p,q \lt \infty$
, we define the Mazur maps
$M_{p,q}\,:\, L_p(\mathcal{M}) \to L_q(\mathcal{M})$
$x \mapsto u |x|^{p/q}$
, where
$x = u|x|$
is the polar decomposition of
. The Mazur maps satisfy
${\kappa }_q \circ M_{p,q} = M_{p,q} \circ{\kappa }_p$
; see, for instance, [Reference Ricard23, end of Section 3]. We are now ready to state and prove the generalisation of [Reference Conde-Alonso, Parcet and Ricard9, Lemma 3.1] for general von Neumann algebras. This result was already shown for
$2 \lt p \lt \infty$
in [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Section 8], but we will prove the result for all
$1 \lt p \lt \infty$
at once since this does not take any extra effort.
Lemma 6.2.
$(\mathcal{M}, \varphi )$
be a von Neumann algebra equipped with nfs weight. Let
$T\,:\, \mathcal{M} \to \mathcal{M}$
be a unital completely positive map satisfying
$\varphi \circ T = \varphi$
$T \circ \sigma _s^\varphi = \sigma _s^\varphi \circ T$
for all
$s \in{\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}}$
. Then there exists a universal constant
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
$x \in L_2(\mathcal{M})$
$1 \lt p \lt \infty$

$\theta = \frac 14 \min \{\frac p2, \frac 2p\}$
Proof. The proof runs via Haagerup reduction, using the estimates for the semifinite case from [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Claim B] for
$p \gt 2$
and [Reference Conde-Alonso, Parcet and Ricard9, Lemma 3.1] for
$p \lt 2$
. Note that the latter was stated only for finite von Neumann algebras, but the same proof works for the semifinite case as well.
$y = M_{2,p}(x)$
. Since
$T = \widehat{T}$
$L_p(\mathcal{M}, \varphi ) \hookrightarrow L_p({\mathcal{R}}, \widehat \varphi )$
canonically and isometrically, we have
$T^{(p)}(y) = \widehat{T}^{(p)}(y)$

Now fix
$n \geq 1$
. Then

Now we can apply the result for the semifinite case on
${\kappa }_p({\mathcal{E}}_n^{(p)}(y))$
to obtain

By the triangle inequality, the main result from [Reference Ricard23] and (6.1), we find

for some constant
independent of
. Similarly, we find

Hence, taking limits and applying again (6.1), we conclude

Proof of Proposition 4.3. We indicate only the changes to [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Proof of Claim B]. The statement we have to prove is precisely [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Equation (9)], but without the
(this is just a different choice based on convenience). The
constructed in [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Proof of Claim B] is a
-preserving ucp map that commutes with the modular automorphism group; one can see this from (2.4). Hence, we can apply Lemma 6.2 on
to show [Reference Caspers, Parcet, Perrin and Ricard8, Equation (10)] (but without the
). Then, setting
$z_j = h_V^{2/q}$
, the rest of the proof is the same.
The author thanks Martijn Caspers for useful discussions and a thorough proofreading of the manuscript.
Competing interests
The author declares none.
Funding statement
GV is supported by the NWO Vidi grant VI.Vidi.192.018 ‘Non-commutative harmonic analysis and rigidity of operator algebras’.