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German Federalism Reform: Part One
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
In October 2005 the German Law Journal published my article which reviewed the major characteristics of German federalism, some common criticisms, and efforts to reform the system in recent decades. These efforts culminated in a Federalism Commission (Kommission von Bundestag und Bundesrat zur Modernisierung der bundesstaatlichen Ordnung [KOMBO]) that was formed in the fall of 2003 and met until December 2004, when the co-chairs announced that the Commission was unable to reach agreement on several issues, in particular the respective roles of the federal and Land (state) governments in higher education policy. The failure of federalism reform was lamented by most observers, and many regretted especially the fact that the Commission had agreed on far more issues than those on which it had disagreed.
- Type
- Developments
- Information
- German Law Journal , Volume 8 , Issue 1: Special Issue - What Future for Kosovo? , 01 January 2007 , pp. 111 - 131
- Copyright
- Copyright © 2007 by German Law Journal GbR
1 Gunlicks, Arthur, German Federalism and Recent Reform Efforts, 6 German Law Journal 1283 (2005), at Scholar
2 Richter, Ingo, Das Bildungswesen im Föderalismusstreit, in Die unvollendete Föderalismusreform 43 (Rudolf Hrbek and Annegret Eppler eds., 2005).Google Scholar
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14 Bundestag billigt Staatsreform, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 30, 2006, at 1; Föderalismus in neuem Gewand, 56 Das Parlament 1 (July 3, 2006). For excepts from the Bundestag debate, see 56 Das Parlament 15 (July 10/17, 2006).Google Scholar
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20 Since 1949 all German governments have been coalition governments, which is common to most European parliamentary systems. The CDU/CSU gained an absolute majority of seats in the 1953 elections, but they formed a coalition government anyway.Google Scholar
21 In fact actual vetoes of legislation by the Bundesrat have been rare, though they do occur.Google Scholar
22 More common is a compromise package put together by members of the Bundestag and Bundesrat in the mediation committee.Google Scholar
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25 Kesper, Irene, Reform des Föderalismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 6 Niedersächsische Verwaltungsblätter 146 (June 1, 2006); Schmahl, Stefanie, Bundesverfassungsrechtliche Neujustierung des Bund-Länder-Verhältnisses im Bereich der Gesetzgebung, in Jahruch des Föderalismus 2006 233 (Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung ed., 2006).Google Scholar
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27 BRDrucks 178/06, Artikel 1, 9(1) and 10. For a discussion of the background and development of federal and EU mandates that have had the effect of undermining local autonomy and the need to provide protection to local governments in a reform of the federal system, see Karl-Peter Sommermann, Kommunen und Föderalismusreform, in Bitburger Gespräche Jahrbuch 2005/I 59 (2006).Google Scholar
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37 BRDrucks 178/06, Artikel 1, 13; BRDrucks 462/06, (d).Google Scholar
38 BRDrucks 178/06, Artikel 1, 16; BRDrucks 462/06, (e); Kesper, supra note 24, at 155–156.Google Scholar
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45 Kommission von Bundestag und Bundesrat zur Modernisierung der bundesstaatlichen Ordnung, Arbeitsunterlage 0104-neu, Vorentwurf vom 13. Dezember 2004, Vorschlag der Vorsitzenden, V. Hauptstadt.Google Scholar
46 BRDrucks 178/06, Artikel 1, 1.Google Scholar
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49 BRDrucks 178/06, Artikel 1, 5 (b); BRDrucks 462/06, (a), (bb), (aaa). For a thorough discussion of federal-Land competences in environmental regulation, see Eppler, Annegret, Föderalismus-Reform in Deutschland: die geplannte Kompetenzverteilung in der Umweltpolitik, in Jahruch des Föderalismus 2006 200–219 (2006). See also Kesper, supra note 24, at 151.Google Scholar
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