The association of stibnite and cinnabar appears to have been first noticed at El Haminat, in the province of Constantine Algiers, where, during the years 1850 to 1852, considerable quantities of both these minerals have been raised from veins traversing Cretaceous schists. Other localities in Algiers showing the same association are: Ghelma near Phillipsville, where cinnabar in crystalline crusts covers and penetrates antimony ochre derived from the decomposition of stibnite, the containing rock being a saccharoidal limestone; Debar, 19 kilometers to the N.W. of Ghelma, where stibnite is found covered with spots of cinnabar, the gangue being heavy spar; Traia, showing a similar occurrence to the preceding; Tasselemet, where radiating crystals of stibnite occur imbedded in earthy cinnabar.