Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
During the summer I visited Hof with Professor Nicholson, mainly in order to examine the Graptolite-bearing shales of the surrounding region. These we found to be far from rich in fossils, and the principal fossil-bearing localities were remote from one another. Under such circumstances little could have been accomplished, but for the kindness of Herr Glass, of Hof, who allowed us to examine his fine collection of fossils from the district. To him I would tender my best thanks, as also to Prof. Geinitz, who not only permitted me to examine his rich collection of Graptolites from the Thüringerwald preserved in the Dresden Museum, but also devoted some of his valuable time to me.
For a full account of the Lower Palæozoic rocks of the region under consideration, I may refer to Prof. Gümbel's exhaustive “Geognostiche Beschreibung des Fichtelgebirges mit dem Frankenwalde und dem Westlichen Vorlande.”