In this specimen one valve (the left) and a part of the dorsal region of the other, remain visible; the rest of the right valve being bent down, broken, and imbedded in the matrix. This is a finely micaceous, non-calcareous, grey mudstone, weathering ferruginous towards one edge, which probably abutted on a crack open to water and atmosphere.
The fossil, in the grey portion is darker than the matrix, and fairly represents the test of half of the carapace, with only a very thin lamina wanting, a broken edge of which is traceable (with a lens) near the ventral margin. This left valve measures 9·2 by 7·4 mm. It is subcircular, more boldly curved on the ventral than on the posterior margin, whilst the front margin is somewhat truncate, having a nearly straight edge from above downwards before it bends round into the ventral curve.