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Trade Practices Law. Restrictive Trade Practices Deceptive Conduct and Consumer Protection. Volume 1. Introduction and Restrictive Trade Practices by Bruce G. Donald, B.A., LL.B. (A.N.U.), LL.M. (Harv.), Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Lecturer (part-time) in Restrictive Trade Practices, University of Sydney and J. D. Heydon, B.A. (Syd.), M.A., B.C.L. (Oxon.) of Gray's Inn and the N.S.W. Bar, Barrister-at-Law, Professor of Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, Vinerian Scholar, Sometime Fellow of Keble College, Oxford. (The Law Book Company Limited, 1978), pp. i-lix, 1-508. Cloth, recommended retail price $34.50 (ISBN: 0 455 19598 6).
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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
- Type
- Book Reviews
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- Copyright
- Copyright © 1978 The Australian National University
1 de Tocqueville, Democracy in America translated by Bradley, (New York 1945), i, 318-319 (first published Paris, 1835).
2 Hughes and Vale Pty Ltd v. New South Wales (1954) 93 C.L.R. 1 (P.C.).
3 (1978) A.T.P.R. 17563.
4 Re Continental Can Company Incorporated [1972] C.M.L.R. D11.
5 Santow, and Gonski, , “Mergers After the Trade Practices Act 1974-1977” (1978) 52 A.L.J. 132.Google Scholar
6 [1978] A.T.P.R. 17705.
7 Commercial Law Note, (1978) 52 A.L.J. 458 suggests one possible definition.
8 The authors give currency to the widely-held but erroneous belief that these provisions were introduced in response to a boycott of Dunlop products announced by Mr R. J. A. Hawke (on 17 February 1971) on behalf of the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Melbourne retail store of which it was part-owner. In fact, early in February 1971 the Attorney-General had announced the forthcoming introduction of legislation prohibiting R.P.M. This followed the completion of a study of this subject, among others, which he had commissioned in August 1970. The credit for the R.P.M. provisions thus belongs to Mr T. E. F. Hughes, Q.C., who was Federal Attorney-General at the time.