ResultsBehaviour models were rubricated, design and content, causes, clinical-psychological description, selfie-phenomenon prevalence were clarified. It allows to state selfie-addiction specific key symptoms, conforming to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for addiction states:
– psychological and emotional supercomfort feeling during realizing selfie-interventions (substantional analogue of euphoria phenomenon caused by psychoactive substances in narcology);
– desire for permanent updating and layouting in social networks selfie-portraits, selfie-positions (impulse control disorder analogue);
– selfie-modifying need causing adrenaline extreme and life threat (analogues: compulsive craving, megadoses, overdosages, amnesias);
– obsessive craving to increase daily number of selfie-shots (tolerance syndrome analogue);
– constant foreshortening change of selfie-interventions (analogue: experimentation with different psychoactive substances, searching behaviour);
– selfie-destruction psychopathological consequences (neurotism, mental and behavioural disorders, group pattern of behavioural selfie-deviations);
– formation of associated comorbid chemical and other substantional addiction forms;
– selfie-deprivation syndrome (analogue: alcohol or drug withdrawal syndrome);
– interdisciplinary range of problems (professional sphere of study for sociologists, psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, narcologists, psychotherapists, sexopathologists, lawyers).
ConclusionsSelfie-addiction problem recognition is necessary on the level of inclusion to ICD, that will allow to develop scientific, legal and clinical base for integrated prevention, rehabilitation and treatment.