Paraphilias, in modern sexuality, are synonymous of sexual deviation, that were classified as aberrations and perversions by classic psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
Until recently, almost all sexual acts besides the introduction of penis inside vagina were considered a deviation.
The freedom of 60's and 70's and the developments of sexology have contribute to dissipate this concept to concrete and circumscribed situations.
The aim of this work is to present a revision of the epidemiology, diagnostic issues, clinical course, physiology, prognostic and treatment options of parafhilias.
The method used consists of bibliographic research and medline related articles research.
After the research we have considered the list ofl disorders having in account o the most recent investigations and progresses in the field of sexuality
Treatment options range from psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions, adapted to the cilinical context of each patient.