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The European Constitutional Law Review (EuConst) follows the classical approach of constitutionalism, to discuss EU law's developments as well as comparative public law of European states, political and constitutional theory and history. The journal is a platform for scholarly discussion of European constitutional events and evolution. It is open to contributions in this field from any country in the world and from any discipline. These contributions should satisfy as to substance, apart from the common scholarly criteria, two specific conditions, to a) have a distinctly European relevance and b) include a reference to and discussion of legal aspects involved.

Submitting an article, case note or review essay

The editors of the European Constitutional Law Review are happy to receive contributions on relevant subjects at any time. Before submitting, authors should ensure that their contribution falls within the scope of EuConst as stated above.

Please submit your manuscript through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system by clicking the ‘Submit your article’ button on our website or by going to

EuConst has an exclusive submission policy. All submissions must be written in good English. Authors who are uncertain whether their English is of sufficient quality to enter the review process, should have their manuscript reviewed and edited by a native speaker. Accepted contributions will be further corrected on language before publication, subject to authors’ approval.  

Please prepare your manuscript in a way that ensures your anonymity. All author information can be included on a separate title page. A short abstract in EuConst house style will also be required. At submission, formatting of the main manuscript should conform to the usual standards of European law scholarship in the English language and be globally in line with the EuConst house style. Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to bring their manuscript fully into line with the house style.  A style sheet is available for download here.

Authors of article contributions are asked to aim for a length of no more than 10,000 words (including footnotes). For case notes, please aim at a length of 8,000 words maximum. Book review essays should not exceed 5,000 words. Upon request, the editors will consider whether relaxation of these limits is justified. 

To contact the editors before or during your article or case note submission, please send an email to [email protected]. Questions about book review essays can be put to our book review editors Nik de Boer and Vestert Borger at [email protected]. Review essays should not exceed 5,000 words. For more information on the EuConst book review section, see here.

All submissions must be written in good English. Authors who are uncertain whether their English is of sufficient quality, should have their manuscript reviewed and edited by a native speaker with a background in law. Accepted contributions will be edited, linguistically and substantively, subject to authors' approval. 

Special sections

EuConst is happy to host a special section of articles stemming from a conference or research project in one of its issues each year. We are especially interested in sets of articles that form a coherent whole of excellent research and fit well into the scope of our journal. A call for proposals is issued each year and one proposal selected. Please see our journal homepage for any active call for proposals.