Nowadays, the Coupled Cluster (CC) method is the probably most widely used high precisionmethod for the solution of the main equation of electronic structure calculation, thestationary electronic Schrödinger equation. Traditionally, theequations of CC are formulated as a nonlinear approximation of a Galerkin solution of theelectronic Schrödinger equation, i.e. within a given discrete subspace.Unfortunately, this concept prohibits the direct application of concepts of nonlinearnumerical analysis to obtain e.g. existence and uniqueness results orestimates on the convergence of discrete solutions to the full solution. Here, thisshortcoming is approached by showing that based on the choice of anN-dimensional reference subspace R of H1(ℝ3 ×{± 1/2}), the original, continuous electronic Schrödingerequation can be reformulated equivalently as a root equation for an infinite-dimensionalnonlinear Coupled Cluster operator. The canonical projected CC equations may then beunderstood as discretizations of this operator. As the main step, continuity properties ofthe cluster operator S and its adjoint S† asmappings on the antisymmetric energy space H1 are established.