This paper is concerned with the problem of combining a data set that
identifies the conditional distribution
P(y|x) with one that identifies the
conditional distribution P(z|x) to
identify the regressions E(y|x,·)
≡ [E(y|x,z =
j),j ∈ Z] when the conditional
distribution P(y|x,z) is
unknown. Cross and Manski (2002,
Econometrica 70, 357–368) studied this problem and showed
that the identification region of
E(y|x,·) can be precisely
calculated when y has finite support. Here we generalize the
result of Cross and Manski, showing that the identification region can be
precisely calculated also in the case in which y has infinite
support.We are grateful to the co-editor
Paolo Paruolo, an anonymous referee, Maria Goltsman, Nick Kiefer, Tymon
Tatur, and Tim Vogelsang for useful comments. Any remaining errors are our
own responsibility.Financial
support from Northwestern University's Dissertation Year Fellowship
is gratefully acknowledged.