Asymptotic theory for the estimation of nonlinear
vector error correction models that exhibit
regime-specific short-run dynamics is developed. In
particular, regimes are determined by the error
correction term, and the transition between regimes
is allowed to be discontinuous, as in, e.g.,
threshold cointegration. Several nonregular problems
are resolved. First of all, consistency—square root
n consistency for the
cointegrating vector β—is
established for the least squares estimation of this
general class of models. Second, the convergence
rates are obtained for the least squares of
threshold cointegration, which are
n3/2 and
n for β and
γ, respectively, where
γ denotes the threshold
parameter. This fast rate for β in
itself is of practical relevance because, unlike in
smooth transition models, the estimation error in
β does not affect the estimation
of short-run parameters. We also derive asymptotic
distributions for the smoothed least squares
estimation of threshold cointegration.