This paper compares several tests for linear and
loglinear regression models where both the dependent and
independent variables are transformed. It is shown that
the Lagrange multiplier test proposed by Godfrey and Wickens
(1981, Review of Economic Studies 48, 487–496)
in the framework of the Box–Cox regression model
has the highest asymptotic power of the compared tests.
The extended projection test of MacKinnon, White, and Davidson
(1983, Journal of Econometrics 11, 53–70),
the test of Bera and McAleer (1983, paper presented to
the SSRC Econometric Study Group Conference on Model Specification
and Testing, Warwick; 1989, Sankhya B 51, 212–224),
and the test of Andrews (1971, Biometrika 58,
249–254) are shown to have asymptotically equivalent
powers and to have lower powers than the nonnested test
of Cox (1961, Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium
on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Vol. 1,
105–123, Berkeley: University of California Press;
1962, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B
24, 406–424).