We present a method of estimating density-related functionals,
without prior knowledge of the density's functional form. The
approach revolves around the specification of an explicit formula for a
new class of distributions that encompasses many of the known cases in
statistics, including the normal, gamma, inverse gamma, and mixtures
thereof. The functionals are based on a couple of hypergeometric
functions. Their parameters can be estimated, and the estimates then
reveal both the functional form of the density and
the parameters that determine centering, scaling, etc. The function to
be estimated always leads to a valid density, by design, namely, one
that is nonnegative everywhere and integrates to 1. Unlike fully
nonparametric methods, our approach can be applied to small datasets.
To illustrate our methodology, we apply it to finding risk-neutral
densities associated with different types of financial options. We show
how our approach fits the data uniformly very well. We also find that
our estimated densities' functional forms vary over the dataset,
so that existing parametric methods will not do uniformly well.We thank Hans-Jürg Büttler,
Aleš Černý, Tony Culyer, Les Godfrey, David Hendry,
Sam Kotz, Steve Lawford, Peter Phillips, Bas Werker, and three anonymous
referees for their comments. We also thank for their feedback the
participants at the seminars and conferences where this paper has been
invited, in particular the 1998 CEPR Finance Network Workshop, the 1998
METU conference, the 1998 FORC (Warwick) conference “Options: Recent
Advances,” Money Macro & Finance Group, the Swiss National Bank,
Imperial College, Tilburg University, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
the University of Oxford, Southampton University, and UMIST. The first author
acknowledges support from the ESRC (UK) grant R000239538. The second author
acknowledges help from the HEC Foundation and the European Community TMR
grant “Financial Market Efficiency and Economic Efficiency.”
This paper was written when the second author was affiliated with